St. Paul has no shortage of opportunities for getting involved. We invite you to look over this list for starters, and if you don’t find what you’re looking for, talk with the Pastor or the Office Manager, Traci, at 515-462-4270. We are always open to new ideas for ministry and fellowship.


  • Worship Service: If you are interested in helping plan the weekly worship service, this team would like to have you join them. Contact the Pastor at 515-462-4270.
  • Worship Servers: We are always looking for more people to serve on rotation as readers, ushers, greeters, communion servers, and bread makers for Sunday services and evening Lenten and Advent services. If you would be willing to serve any one of these roles or several, please let Traci in the office know. We have printed directions that we can provide, and a member of the Worship team would be happy to train you and show you the ropes.
  • Sound Board & Screen: Running the sound board and screen is this team’s primary job. Let us know if you’d like to help!
  • Music: If you play piano or organ or would like to provide special music during a worship service, we can use your help. Contact the office and let us know your skills and interests.
  • St. Paul Choir: Our choir meets once a week for practice on Wednesday evenings at 7:00, or after the evening worship service during Advent and Lent September through May. Adults and young adults are welcome to jump in at any time, no need to wait for the next year!  The choir performs two cantatas per year, at Christmas and Easter. Contact choir director Sue Hansen, 515-468-0137.

Children and Youth Christian Education

If you enjoy working with kids, facilitating Christian education curriculum, or leading recreational activities, we welcome you to our Wednesday evening God Squad and Confirmation programs. We also welcome parents’ involvement in youth fellowship activities. Contact the Pastor at 515-462-4270.

Flock Team

The Flock Team keeps in touch with our “flock,” which involves calling on members we haven’t seen in a while, welcoming new members, sending care packages to college students, visiting shut-ins, and other means of reaching out. If you would like to help with this service, we would love to have you!

Kitchen Crew

Our kitchen and fellowship hall are large enough to accommodate large parties, and our kitchen crew frequently prepares meals for local service organizations and out-of-town tourist groups that come our way through the Chamber office. If you like to cook, this is a great way to help St. Paul.

Property Team

Our building requires maintenance, and the Building Team oversees that work. They take care of some repairs themselves, and contract out for bigger jobs when needed. If you would like to lend a hand, there is always work to do.

Stewardship & Finance

These folks work with issues of church finance and stewardship, which includes both talents and treasures. If you are interested in finance or helping to encourage others to use their talents for God’s work, there’s a place for you on this team.

Social Ministries & Missions Team

St. Paul is active in local mission projects, such as supporting Madison County Matura and CRISP, as well as larger missions in the ELCA, Church World Service, Meals from the Heartland, Hearts in Motion, and more.

  • Blood Drive: LifeServe’s mobile blood drive is held at St. Paul the 4th Tuesday of every month. Contact Jim Nelson at 515-468-1675.
  • “Comforters” Quilters: This group meets regularly at the church on Wednesday mornings from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. Come enjoy a time of Christian fellowship while working together and making beautiful quilts. Our quilts are distributed to Lutheran World Relief, recent St. Paul graduates, newborn babies, and more.
  • Furniture Ministry: St. Paul collects and donates furniture to those in need. Helpers are needed. Contact Lisa Vossekuil at 920-979-0304.
  • Matthew 25: Ministries: We collect clean, used pill bottles with a plastic lid for international medical missions. Contact Kim Patience at 515-468-0503.
  • Pool of Siloam: The Pool of Siloam is a fund for those needing financial help for such things as gasoline, rent or utility payments, or emergencies. Contact Lisa Vossekuil at 920-979-0304.
  • Transportation Ministry: St. Paul members will provide transportation to those needing a ride to medical appointments in Winterset and the Des Moines metro. Contact Chris Madison at 515-468-0051.