Sunday Morning Worship

Sunday at 9:30 am, In-Person and Livestream Via YouTube

St. Paul worship services are held at 9:30 a.m. each Sunday morning. Please come worship with us, be fed, and engage in fellowship. A nursery is available for infants and toddlers. Headphones are available for those who need hearing assistance during the service.

Recordings of services can be found on YouTube, updated each Monday.

God Squad & Confirmation

Join us for God Squad and Confirmation at St. Paul’s Wednesday evening Christian Education Program for children and youth. Confirmation classes for 7th and 8th graders begin Wednesday, September 4, and God Squad for 4-year-olds through 6th grade begins September 11. A free meal is served at 5:30 pm; classes and fun activities are from 5:50-6:50 pm. All children are welcome to join at any time.

To register: Click the button below to register online (register each child separately), or click to print form(s) to complete by hand and deliver to the church office. Copies of the form are also available at the church (515-462-4270).

Any questions may be directed to Amanda Turnquist, Children and Youth Coordinator at 319-491-4052.

St. Paul in Service to God

St. Paul Congregation participates in a wide variety of service projects to benefit our community, family and friends, and the church world-wide. On-going ministries include LifeServe Blood Drive every fourth Tuesday, Furniture Ministry, Transportation Ministry, and Matura Food Pantry donations every first Sunday. Visit our Facebook page to learn more about how St. Paul shares God’s love.

When we are so busy and don’t always attend church, online giving assures you that your giving to St. Paul isn’t overlooked. Whether it’s ongoing giving or a one-time donation, it’s easy set up.

Volunteers are needed and participants welcome in worship, education, ministry and more.

Find out what’s happening now, and sign up for our email list to stay in touch!

Friday, January 17 Announcements

Worship with us, January 19, 9:30am.Join us in person or on our YouTube channel.  Pastor Roger Claxton will preach on John 2:1-11Upcoming Worship Helpers January 19, 9:30 am Greeters/ Ushers: Fred Young and Dave KauzlarichReader: Amanda TurnquistSound/ Screen/ Streaming: Lisa VossekuilMusician: Sherri BrineyCounters: Lisa Vossekuil and Nancy SchimmelsCommunion Server: Jason and Nicole DarlingCommunion Bread:  Genelle ThompsonAcolytes/ Crucifer:  Devotions from God PauseThere is SO much speaking happening in this passage. Philip had preached the good news of Jesus to the Samaritans, and they had received it with joy. Then someone reported to the disciples that Samaria—apparently as a whole!—had received the word/Word of God. Jesus had said that the disciples would be witnesses in…

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