This page provides links to commonly used forms and documents at St. Paul, and may be useful in answering questions about church usage and events. Please call our office at 515-462-4270 if you have any questions.
St Paul Constitution and By Laws
Organizational Chart: Council, Committees, Teams, Staff 2024-2027
04.18.24 Congregation Council Charter
01.10.19 Memorial Committee Charter Revised
05.18.17 Staff Parish Relations Committee (SPRC) Charter
05.18.17 Trust Fund Committee Charter
07.23.17 Finance Committee Charter
07.23.17 Property Committee Charter
10.19.17 Audit Committee Charter
10.19.17 Nominating Committee Charter
12.12.17 REV Faith Formation Committee Charter adopted 11.16.17
03.21.24 Worship Teams Charter
Other Current Documents
Quarterly Report Template: Committees and teams can use this template for reporting to the Council.
Building Policy: This document contains information and guidelines for general use of the church, including events, classrooms, fellowship hall, kitchen, sanctuary, and chapel. It also contains a facility use form.
Facility Use Form (fillable online)
Wedding Policy: If you desire to hold your wedding at St. Paul Lutheran Church, this handbook will answer many of your questions.