Announcements for February 10, 2019

Communion Class for Kids | Postponed

The special communion readiness class that was to be offered this Sunday, Feb 10, has been postponed, please watch for future announcements.

Shed Some Light | Sermon Series

Our focus this Epiphany season is on Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians, in which he replies to questions about life, death, worship, and community that were big issues in that church. After 2K years, not much has changed! As we celebrate the light of Christ this season, we will also acknowledge how that light shines in our life together at St. Paul.

The Mason Baby is Coming! 

The son of Youth Director Nate and Krissa Mason, whose name is yet to be disclosed, is coming soon! They have a planned delivery on February 15, but he may decide to arrive sooner. If you would like to welcome the little one with a gift, we will have a bin in the narthex to receive baby accessories, toys, or other needful things. Thank you!

Also, Nate will be on leave following the birth of their son. He will return on Wednesday, April 3. Please keep the Masons in your prayers!

Wednesday Night at St. Paul!

Our ministries for Children and Youth: God Squad/Children’s Choir, Confirmation, and Youth Group, continue to meet this Wednesday evening, beginning at 5:20. Please see the calendar for details. Questions? Feel free to contact Children’s Ministry Director Courtney, Youth Ministry Director Nate, or Pastor Joel.

CONGRATULATIONS to our newly elected Council officers!

After a weather delay a few weeks ago, the following council members have been elected to serve as officers, President – Liz Hansen, Vice President – Jason Stolte, and Secretary – Ruthanne Korte.

Apprentice Series, Part 3 | Sunday eve 6:00 pm

You are enthusiastically invited to participate in the next segment of the Apprentice Small Group Series, entitled The Good and Beautiful Community. Come and explore how we follow Jesus more closely in community!

Souper Bowl Sunday | THANKS TO YOU!

Thank you for your participation in Souper Bowl Sunday!   $2,389 was raised for ELCA hunger, 212 grocery items and $235 was given to MATURA.   Special thanks to the St. Paul Trust fund who contributed $500 to our efforts!

Bible Study | Between Services Today

Please join Twila Seibert in the Chapel following the 8:00 service to explore the book of Hebrews and learn about the importance of hearing the word and living as a Christian community.


Do you have a quilt that you would like to share?  St. Paul will be participating in  the “Airing of the Quilts” on April 27th.  Please contact Liz Hansen 515-462-3987 if you would like to display your favorite or vintage quilt.  More info to come!

“Our Faith in Film”, A Special Lenten Series

An ecumenical project of Winterset’s churches, the goals of which are to share our faith during the season of Lent through well-chosen films, promote the unity of our faith communities, and provide social ministries to Madison County citizens.

In partnership with the Iowa Theater, faith-based films will be shown April 10-13. The screening cost for each film is $250-$350. As a participating sponsor, we must cover this screening cost. In return St. Paul will invite the public to a free showing and will identify the recipient of a good will offering taken at that showing.

Please identify your gift toward this project as “Lenten film series” and put it in the offering plate. More specific information will be available soon. Contact Ann Bartelt with any questions.

A RAGBRAI Committee is Needed!

A committee is being formed to help us make decisions regarding St. Paul’s hospitality for  10,000+ bicycling visitors to Winterset for their overnight stay Monday, July 22.  Please let Pastor Joel, Liz Hansen, or Barb Kellogg know of your willingness to serve on this committee!

MATURA Food Bank

Thank you for your generous gifts to the Matura Food Bank.  The need doubles or triples in the winter months.


A ring was found the other day here at the church.  Please call Bea (515-971-9160) to identify and claim it.

Thrivent Corner

Thrivent Members please ensure that your Thrivent Choice dollars are directed to your charity of choice, (Hopefully St. Paul) before March 31st, or they will be lost. FYI, St Paul received $1916.00 Choice dollars for 2018 and since Choice started we have received $18,758.00.  GO Thrivent! If you have questions about Choice dollars or how to direct your dollars, contact Dick Anderson,  515-371-7083.