Christmas Decoration Take Down – TOMORROW
Join us Saturday, January 12th at 9 am as we take down the Christmas decorations. “Many hands make light work” and this usually takes about an hour with a dozen people helping. Your participation is GREATLY appreciated!
Wednesday Night at St. Paul!
Our ministries for Children and Youth: God Squad/ Children’s Choir, Confirmation, and Youth Group, continue to meet this Wednesday evening, beginning at 5:20. Please see the calendar for details. Questions? Feel free to contact Children’s Ministry Director Courtney, Youth Ministry Director Nate, or Pastor Joel.
Bible Study | Between Services Today
Please join Twila Seibert in the Chapel following the 8:00 service to explore Paul’s letter to Philemon, which focuses on how Christ changes and reorders our human relationships. You don’t want to miss it!
Annual Meeting | January 20
It’s almost time again for our Annual Meeting! Please plan on attending the meeting between services on January 20 as we make decisions and vote on the budget for the next fiscal year. Committee Chairs and Team Leaders, please submit your reports to Meisha YESTERDAY. Thank you!
Apprentice Series, Part 3 | Sunday eve 6:00 pm
You are enthusiastically invited to participate in the next segment of the Apprentice Small Group Series, entitled The Good and Beautiful Community. Come and explore how we follow Jesus more closely in community!
St. Paul Adult Choir Rehearsal | Next week
Join us next Wednesday night, January 23rd at 7:10pm as we rehearse choral pieces to share with the congregation on Sunday mornings. All are welcome!
SCRIP FOR SALE | Second Sunday of the month
Don’t forget that we order scrip after the 2nd Sunday of the month. If you’d like to support St. Paul in this manner, please fill out a purple order form (found on the usher’s table) and leave a check and the form in the Office mailbox. Orders will be placed Monday morning by 9am, and cards should arrive by Friday the 18th.
A ring was found the other day here at the church. Please call Bea (515-971-9160) to identify and claim it.