Communion Class for Kids | February 10
The communion policy at St. Paul is to empower parents to determine when their children receive the Eucharist. To that end a special communion readiness class will be offered on Sunday, February 10 at 9:15. The class is for children of any age, but parents are of course welcome to attend!
Wednesday Night at St. Paul!
Our ministries for Children and Youth: God Squad/ Children’s Choir, Confirmation, and Youth Group, continue to meet this Wednesday evening, beginning at 5:20. Please see the calendar for details. Questions? Feel free to contact Children’s Ministry Director Courtney, Youth Ministry Director Nate, or Pastor Joel.
Apprentice Series, Part 3 | Sunday eve 6:00 pm
You are enthusiastically invited to participate in the next segment of the Apprentice Small Group Series, entitled The Good and Beautiful Community. Come and explore how we follow Jesus more closely in community!
St. Paul Adult Choir Rehearsal | Next week
Join us next Wednesday night, January 30 at 7:10pm as we rehearse choral pieces to share with the congregation on Sunday mornings. All are welcome!
Bible Study | Between Services Today
Please join Twila Seibert in the Chapel following the 8:00 service to explore Paul’s letter to Philemon, which focuses on how Christ changes and reorders our human relationships. You don’t want to miss it!
MATURA Food Bank
Thank you for your generous gifts to the Matura Food Bank. The need doubles or triples in the winter months.
A ring was found the other day here at the church. Please call Bea (515-971-9160) to identify and claim it.
Souper Bowl Sunday | February 3
Don’t forget to bring extra grocery items so we can celebrate Souper Bowl Sunday to the fullest! If you prefer to make a cash donation at our second offering, please make checks payable to ELCA World Hunger. Thank you for doing a world of good!
Shed Some Light | Sermon Series
Our focus this Epiphany season is on Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians, in which he replies to questions about life, death, worship, and community that were big issues in that church. After 2K years, not much has changed! As we celebrate the light of Christ this season, we will also acknowledge how that light shines in our life together at St. Paul.
Thrivent Corner
Thrivent Members please ensure that your Thrivent Choice dollars are directed to your charity of choice, (Hopefully St. Paul) before March 31st, or they will be lost. FYI, St Paul received $1916.00 Choice dollars for 2018 and since Choice started we have received $18,758.00. GO Thrivent! If you have questions about Choice dollars or how to direct your dollars, contact Dick Anderson, 515-371-7083.
And finally…
I want to thank everyone for the hospital visits when I had my broken hip and the cards and well wishes for my birthday.
THANK YOU!! – Ivan