Amazon Prime Day is coming!! July 15 & 16
You can make a difference while you shop Amazon Prime Day deals on July 15 & 16. Simply shop and AmazonSmile donates to St. Paul.
RAGBRAI Volunteers needed!
St. Paul and the RAGBRAI committee needs you! Please consider volunteering to help here at the church and/or downtown on the square when RAGBRAI arrives on July 22nd. Please sign up on the clipboard at the usher’s table or see Coleen Johnson or Lisa Vossekuil if you would like to help here at the church. Go to the Winterset RAGBRAI website and sign up to help on the square. Thank you for your consideration!
VBS update!
The dates for the Annual St. Paul Vacation Bible School were incorrectly published. The correct dates are July 29-August 1st. Please sign up HERE (if you have already signed up you are still signed up, although we understand if you can’t make it due to the date change – just let us know).
If you want to put an announcement in the bulletin, please email Maddie and Meisha at or call them at (515) 462-4270 during office hours by Wednesday at noon.
Java & Jesus
Due to many summer activities, Java & Jesus will be on hiatus until further notice.
Worship is a social experience
As we come together as one in worship this summer, we have a great opportunity to get to know each other better. And there’s no better way than over coffee and refreshments! For early comers, the coffee pot will be on about 8:30, thanks to Dick Anderson, and everyone is invited to stay after the service to enjoy each other’s company!
Summer Service Schedule
Starting June 1 we will have one service at 9:00 am this summer. Our two-service schedule will resume on Rally Day, September 8.
Pastor Joel’s Sabbatical
Pastor Joel’s sabbatical, an intentional time of renewal for both the congregation and pastor, began June 16th and will conclude on August 19. During Pastor’s absence, Pastor Tony Nester, Ms. Donna Vaughn, and Mr. Don Darling will offer worship leadership on Sunday mornings.
Info about St. Paul Lutheran Church & RAGBRAI
We are hoping to serve our “Pasta Bar” to 400 people while the bikers are in town on Monday, July 22nd, 2019. The Pasta Bar will open at noon and serve until 7 pm.
Monetary donations that will be used to purchase ingredients for the Pasta Bar recipes are needed!! Don’t forget to sign up if you are willing to give monetarily. Please understand that St Paul’s committee will be purchasing the ingredients for the pasta salads prior to July 22nd using the donations made. The pasta salads have to be prepared at the church on Monday, July 22nd, no exceptions. We will begin at 6 am. No salads that will be served, can be made outside of the church or prior to July 22nd. This is the state inspector’s rule. Anything made outside of the church will be thrown out by the state inspector.
Cookies and Brownies: The bake sale will coincide with the pasta bar, noon – 7 pm. We will be selling individually wrapped cookies & brownies. The cookies and brownies can be made at home, as long as they do not need to be refrigerated. Please make sure if you signed up to make cookies or brownies that they are individually wrapped when you bring them into church.
Pies will also be sold as well. The committee will determine if we will be selling by the slice, depending on the demand. Remember, anyone who signed up to make a pie(s), make sure they do not have to be refrigerated.
Any questions?
Coleen Johnson (360) 772-0789
Lisa Vossekuil (920) 979-0304
Automatic Giving
Summer is such a busy time for everyone. Take away the worries of remembering your pledge by signing up for automatic giving to the church. It’s very easy to do! Simply access this link.
Principal Charity Classic | Birdies for Charity
Help Lutheran Services in Iowa by participating in the Birdies For Charity program. Participating charities receive every single penny they raise! PLUS a 10% match is added to every donation thanks to Sammons Financial Group and Wells Fargo. Forms are on the ushers table, please feel free to take one & if you have any questions, please talk with Twila.
Bulletin Covers
If you would like to contribute by drawing a picture for the bulletin covers, please see Twila.