Announcements for October 13, 2019

Please sign up to help on Wednesday evenings during God Squad.   We need help in the kitchen to cook, serve & clean up afterwards AND general help during class and children’s choir.   In an effort to keep costs down we are asking that the meals be donated as well as the time to cook & serve them.  Please consider signing up TODAY.  Just check the box for the evening you are interested in helping and the click on the button at the bottom of the page “SUBMIT AND SIGN UP” and the next page will allow to add your information.  If everyone just helped one evening we would have more than enough help!  Thank you for your consideration.

Acolyte Workshop to be held | between services THIS Sunday

Students in the 4-6th grades that are interested in serving as an acolyte should attend the workshop on October 13th.

Calling all Crafters, Creative Persons & Bakers!

It is Holiday Hop Season so be thinking of crafts, projects and baked items (especially pies).  We are featuring the gently used room again if you have items for it.  We are also having the Cookie Walk so will need cookies for it.

The Hop is Saturday, November 23 so it is right around the corner.  Please contact Liz Hansen at 462-3987 or Rox Ann Rhoads at 462-2510.

Sunday Adult Bible Study CANCELLED Today

The Adult Bible Study will be on hiatus this week.  Next week they will begin their examination of the book of James.  Please join them NEXT WEEK between services!

The Tour of Homes is looking for Homes

If you or if you know of someone who would be willing to open their home and share all of it’s holiday awesomeness with the community —please call Sheila Stewart at 515-468-1464.

C.R.I.S.P. Nuts & Candy Fundraiser

C.R.I.S.P. relies on donations and fundraisers, such as this, to support ALL of their programs and operations, such as: School Supplies for Kids, Winter Wear for Kids and Christmas for Kids as well as assisting families facing crisis situations (homelessness, utility disconnect, food insecurity).  Please help us to continue these efforts!

Visit the C.R.I.S.P. website at to view the Terri Lynn nuts and candy brochure and to print your order form OR call the C.R.I.S.P. office at 515.462.7009.  Please submit orders and payment to C.R.I.S.P. by October 16th.   (You may leave your order form and payment in the Office mailbox if you wish.)  Thank you for your consideration!

Hear Ye!  Hear Ye!  The Bishop is coming!  The Bishop is coming!

Bishop Michael Burk of ELCA Southeastern Iowa Synod will visit St. Paul and preach at both services on Sunday, October 20, 2019.  Please plan to stay late after the 8:00am service or come early before the 10:30am service to greet Bishop Burk during our fellowship hour.

A note from Lori & Paul Blythe

We have sold our house and will be moving this weekend. We had hoped to get more individual goodbyes done, but have just gotten too busy with packing and all that goes with it. We have some wonderful memories from St Paul from church softball to seeing all three of our children confirmed. We just felt now is the time to move North of Des Moines to be closer to our kids, grandkids, and Lori’s parents.  We wish you well in this year of transition and I’m sure we’ll be back to visit often. Our new address: Paul and Lori Blythe, 1354 Nook Place, Boone, Iowa  50036.

Peace be with you!

Lori and Paul Blythe

Tour of Homes  |  Saturday, December 7th

Get excited – it’s on the calendar!!  The bi-annual Tour of Homes is scheduled for Saturday, December 7th.  We have several amazing houses and a business on this year’s tour.  As part of this event, we would like to do a Festival of Trees, where we auction off decorated trees.  If you, or a group of you, would be willing to donate a decorated tree for auction, please contact Sheila Stewart at or 515-468-1464.   Also, if you have either the decorations or a spare tree, let us know and we will help find someone to pair you with.   Thank you for your support!

St. Paul Harvest Ham Ball Dinner  |  Saturday, November 2nd

We need your support!!  Our annual St. Paul’s Harvest Ham Ball Dinner will be held Saturday, November 2nd.   We definitely need helpers for that day, as well as food and/or money donations.   Please sign up on the bulletin board in the entryway, or contact Jacque Mohs at or 515-468-1899.   All proceeds will go towards paying off the new Audio/Visual system.  Thank you!

Children’s Christmas Musical

It’s that time of year to begin rehearsing for this year’s Christmas children’s musical! This year’s musical is called “Arrest These Merry Gentleman” and is sure to be a fun and festive take on the Christmas story. All are welcome!  Grades 1-6 will rehearse during God Squad on Wednesday evenings beginning October 16th, and we welcome your child to join us. Grades 7 and up are welcome to attend on our Saturday morning rehearsals. Speaking parts will be assigned at our first Saturday rehearsal on Saturday, November 9th. Contact Carolyn Petsche with questions.  515-229-5685.