SIGN UP for Sunday School & GOD SQUAD
Help us prepare by registering your student(s) today!
SIGN UP HERE for Sunday School & God Squad.
Sunday School will begin on September 15th.
GOD SQUAD with Children’s Choir will begin September 25th
with supper being served at 5:40pm.
Welcome to Pastor Brian Mortenson
Today we welcome Pastor Brian Mortenson, who will be here for the next year or so helping us with this period of transition and guiding us through the call process in our search for a new pastor to lead St. Paul. Pastor Brian begins full time with us on Wednesday, September 11th.
This Sunday, September 8th | We RETURN to our regular service schedule
Starting September 8th we will return to our regular two-service schedule. Sunday morning services will be held at 8:00 and 10:30am.
Volunteer to help with GOD SQUAD
Please sign up to help on Wednesday evenings during God Squad. We need help in the kitchen to cook, serve & clean up afterwards AND general help during class and children’s choir. In an effort to keep costs down we are asking that the meals be donated as well as the time to cook & serve them. Please consider signing up TODAY. Just check the box for the evening you are interested in helping and the click on the button at the bottom of the page “SUBMIT AND SIGN UP” and the next page will allow to add your information. If everyone just helped one evening we would have more than enough help! Thank you for your consideration.
Acolyte Workshop to be held | Sunday, September 8th between services
Hey parents of kids in 4th through 6th grade, please consider having your student become an acolyte! There will be a workshop to teach them what to do and why on Sunday, September 8th between services. If your student has served as an acolyte in the past and would like to attend this as a refresher course, they may – however it is not a requirement that your student re-take this class if they have already taken it.
Bibles to be given to 3rd grade class | Sunday, September 15th
Please join us on September 15th during worship as we give the gift of God’s word to our students.
The church office will be closed September 6th – 17th.
Adult Faith Formation – Jesus’s Apprentices | Sunday, September 22nd, 5:30 – 7:00 pm
Everyone is invited to food, fellowship, and forward planning for this year’s adult faith formation program. We’ll meet for a potluck meal at 5:30, and under the guidance of Brenda Hollingsworth, participate in a large group exercise to consider several different possibilities. Small group sign up will follow. Contact Brenda with any questions or suggestions: or 515-468-8129.
Save the Date! | 2019 Crop Walk September 22nd at 3:00pm
The Crop Walk will begin at St Paul, as usual, since we have the trophy. This is the 50th anniversary of Crop Walk, so let’s celebrate with a huge turnout. If you have any questions, please contact Dick Anderson.