1. Join us for in-house worship this Sunday, October 11, at either 8 a.m. or 10:00 a.m. Pastor Ioan’s sermon will be based on Matthew 22:1-9. Below you will find a devotion based on our Scripture:
“The only thing the king wanted to do was host a wedding banquet for his son. It should have been simple: set a date, send out invitations, watch the guests stream in, and enjoy the banquet. But the guests wouldn’t cooperate. They made light of his invitation, thinking their businesses were more important than attending a wedding. But they were wrong. Saying yes to the king was the most important of all.
This parable shows how fiercely God loves us. God wants us to live the best life possible, in harmony with Jesus’ mission and ministry. God will allow nothing, not even the death of the Son for whom the banquet is held, to prevent us from living with God. God prepares the banquet of life – not only for the bridegroom, but for us. This bracing parable reminds us to not make light of God’s invitation to us. God has prepared places for all of us at the banquet, and will pursue us until we show up.”
2. Pastor Ioan will be away for his wedding starting Sunday Oct 11th afternoon to Monday morning Oct 19th. During this time Kevin & Sue Blader (515-468-1941) from First Christian Church are available for emergency pastoral care needs via phone or through contacting our St. Paul office. Our well wishes are with Pastor Ioan and Deb in their travels and upcoming marriage.
3. CROP WALK: Thanks to all that contributed to Crop Walk last Sunday. If you did not make it to church or forgot your checkbook, you have another chance this Sunday, October 11th at both services. I hope to see you Sunday.
– Dick Anderson
4. OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD plastic tubs have arrived. Please pick yours up at the church anytime during the week or this coming Sunday, October 11. They will be available at the church until they are all gone. We will have the OCC preprinted shoeboxes available after the plastic tubs are gone. Other items available on the OCC table will be:
1. Brochures with labels to indicate the age/sex of the child your box is for.
2. Further information about packing your box and the do’s and don’ts of items.
3. Forms for people to use to place into box to share information about themselves.
Postage is $9/box again this year. If you want to track your box or use a credit card to pay postage you must do that online and print off the label and attach to your box. You will not be able to track your box by putting money into the provided envelop. If you are unable to shop for items to pack your own shoebox, Samaritans Purse offers “Build a Shoebox Online.” Visit their website samaritanspurse.org/occ. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Lonna Nielsen at 515-210-4086.
5. Choir meets on Thursday evenings! Join us from 7 – 7:30 pm for choir rehearsal. Please wear masks. Hope to see you all there!
6. Semi-Annual Meeting October 25 following the 10 am service. Mark your calendars!
Church office phone: 515-462-4270
Church office email: Office@stpaullutheranchurch.net
Pastor Ioan Ittu: 626-419-6331
Pastor Ioan email: Pastorioan@stpaullutheranchurch.net
Pastoral Emergencies October 11 – 19: (515) 468-1941