Operation Christmas Child is hoping for record numbers of shoe boxes to send around the world this year. St. Paul has normally sent out 70+ boxes. If all of these plastic tubs are used we would have 72. All of the items for the boxes can be found here in Winterset. There are boxes that have only a pair of shoes. There are boxes that have stuffed animals. There are boxes that have school supplies. Whatever you decide to place into your box….pray for that child…. and let God take it from there. I was unable to show the video this year but am amazed at how these simple boxes are impacting children and families around the world. Please stop by the church and pick up a box or two so we can once again spread joy and the message of Jesus Christ to children in need of hope! We would like the boxes returned by Nov 7-8th. We would like to bless them and then get them sent to a drop off location. I thank you for your participation in advance and hope that this service project blesses you as much as the children receiving your shoebox. Feel free to ask friends and neighbors if they would like to pack a box. Any questions contact Lonna Nielsen at 515-210-4086.
Church office phone: 515-462-4270
Church office email: Office@stpaullutheranchurch.net
Pastor Ioan Ittu: 626-419-6331
Pastor Ioan email: Pastorioan@stpaullutheranchurch.net