1. Be ready for our guest preacher tomorrow! Bishop Michael Burke, from our Southeastern Iowa Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, has prepared a video sermon for Sunday, May 3. Bishop Burke’s message will come out in our EPISTLE email, with a brief introduction from Pastor Brian. Don’t miss it!
2. Please keep St. Paul Lutheran confirmation students in your prayers!
A special shout out today to our seventh and eighth graders at St. Paul Lutheran. While our in-house confirmation program was temporarily suspended due to the COVID-19 shut down, we were quickly and graciously welcomed into the well-established Wednesday night on-line confirmation program of Lutheran Church of Hope. This on-line confirmation program will come to a close during the month of May. (A special thank you to the Junior High ministry staff team at Hope!)
We are planning for our current eighth grade class to have a Sunday morning confirmation service this fall on a date to be determined. This is an important faith milestone in our Lutheran Church for both the students and their families, as well as for our church family. We want to be able to celebrate this together in community. Stay tuned for an update later this summer. In the meantime, please keep the following members of this terrific group of kids in your prayers!
Seventh graders: Anders Aasen, Brynn Acton, Colin Allen, Kaelyn Bellamy, Nile Benge, Jacob Gustafson, AJ Jelsma, Madeline Kimball, Bowen Tadlock, Hank Wilmes
Eighth graders: Grant Anderson, Carson Bellamy, Garrett Gustafson, Alyssa Nelson, Hayden Wilmes, Hudson Wilmes
We also offer heartfelt thanks and appreciation to our amazing confirmation volunteer ministry leader team: Ted Leonard, Heather Jelsma, Kim Patience, Brad Bellamy, and Steph Bellamy. We are grateful for their involvement in this important ministry and for their commitment to share God’s love with these great students.
3. Communication regarding in-person worship at Saint Paul
If you missed it, please be certain to find the letter from Pastor Brian Mortenson and Dan Nielsen, Council President which came out on Thursday afternoon of this week, with the headline of “Church Update.” (You can also find it on our website or Facebook page.)
This communication provides background information and approach on the “when” and the “how” of our eventual return to worshiping together in physical community. The long and the short of it is: Hopefully soon, but not yet, with “best practices” and showing God‘s love by being safe in our “return” planning as paramount.
It will be so good to be together… Soon!
And in the meantime, continue to be faithful in ministering to, with, and for one another. and the world.
Peace to you all, in Christ!
Church office phone: 515-462-4270
Church office email: StPaulLutheranChurch@hotmail.com
Pastor Brian Mortenson email: StPaulPastor1941@gmail.com
Pastoral Emergencies: 605-351-0867