- Look for a Sunday morning message this weekend coming from Pastor Brian, based on John 14:1-14.
- As you may recall from last Sunday’s Epistle with Bishop Burk’s message to us, he is retiring upon the election of a new bishop (now delayed due to the pandemic). Your prayers are requested for the bishop election committee which is chaired by our very own Julie Feirer. Julie and her committee are responsible for shaping the process dedicated to the election of the next bishop of the Southeastern Iowa Synod.
- There is still time to join the Face Mask Challenge! Contact Liz Hansen at 515-462-3987 or lhansen6307@gmail.com to get further instructions according to Lutheran World Relief specifications. Please join us in giving thanks to Colleen Johnson, Pat Wetlaufer, Marty Knapp, Lorraine Gibbons, Bea Leonard, Genelle Thompson, Liz Hansen who are on track to donate 210 masks to Lutheran World Relief.
- In addition to our high school graduates we have some St. Paul Lutheran members that are part of the higher education class of 2020. Andrew Dick is graduating from ISU with a double major in Accounting and Business Management. If you’d like to participate in a card shower for Andrew, please send cards to Andrew Dick, 1228 W Washington, Winterset, IA 50273. Some of you may remember Sam Nau who is graduating from the University of Northern Iowa this month and looking forward to being the band director in Chariton this fall. Please let us know of other St. Paul Lutheran college or higher education graduates so we can identify them for your prayer list as well.
- Re-entry time for in-person worship. We have 3 of our members; Jacque Mohs, Dr. Amy Kimball and Ann Bartelt, who are working with Pastor Brian on a Re-Entry Task Force who are charged with making timeline recommendations to the council, and will be establishing protocols for when we do come together once again for worship. Please be assured that when we ultimately do come together for worship once again, we intend to be well prepared to carry out a meaningful worship experience with health, safety and care being paramount.
- Prayer of thanksgiving for Mothers: Lord God – We give thanks for mothers who carried us for nine months, brought us into the world, and taught us the values we live by. With praise to you, we recognize the great gift of motherhood. Bless and keep our mothers, or the memory of those who are departed, and encourage those who daily strive to honor your calling to them in the role of mother. Grant peace, inspiration, fortitude and faith to these precious women in whatever stage of life. In the name of Jesus we pray. AMEN.
Church office phone: 515-462-4270
Church office email: StPaulLutheranChurch@hotmail.com
Pastor Brian Mortenson email: StPaulPastor1941@gmail.com
Pastoral Emergencies: 605-351-0867