1) Look for the Pentecost Sunday worship service outline coming to you first thing this Sunday morning in Epistle #45. You will be in for a special experience with the opening hymn, “O Day Full of Grace” which comes to us all as a gift from the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians. Over 1300 members of this organization collaborated in sharing their musical gifts to make this virtual hymn recording. The words will be on the screen so that you can sing along. Guaranteed that you will sound fabulous, and God will be praised! Pastor Brian will be sharing special Pentecost reflections in response to the story of the birth of the Christian Church which will be read from the book of Acts, the second chapter, verses 1-21.
2) Re-entry Task Force – The task force thanks the congregation for such a strong survey response. We received 72 individual responses with great feedback, which will be extremely informative as we continue to do our work. You have given us exactly what we need to better understand the wishes, feelings, concerns, and hopes of the St. Paul faith family as they relate to our planning for coming together once again in worship. Thank you, also, for your willingness to serve in our preparations for returning to in-person worship.
In addition to monitoring trends, statistics, and guidance from the governor’s office, the CDC, and the SE Iowa Synod Bishop’s office, we are planning the logistics and framework for re-entry. We will worship both in safety and in a meaningful way. We expect to be making recommendations to the church council within the next ten days or so, and thank you again for your support, feedback and prayers.
Church office phone: 515-462-4270
Church office email: StPaulLutheranChurch@hotmail.com
Pastor Brian Mortenson email: StPaulPastor1941@gmail.com
Pastoral Emergencies: 605-351-0867