Epistle #61 Friday Update

1) From the Call Committee:  The Congregation Council has accepted the recommendation of the Call Committee to present Pastor Ioan Ittu (pronounced you-wan e-too) to the congregation to be called as the next pastor of St. Paul. With excitement for our future, a special meeting of the congregation is set for Sunday, July 12, to present Pastor Ioan to you and to affirm and celebrate his call to St. Paul. This meeting is required in our Constitution C9.01 which states “Authority to call a pastor shall be in this congregation by at least a two-thirds vote of voting members present and voting at a meeting legally called for that purpose.” Furthermore, 25 voting members shall constitute a quorum (C10.04).

We know everyone is eager to learn more about Pastor Ioan. Within these next two weeks leading up to the congregational meeting July 12, the Call Committee will share highlights of how Pastor Ioan reflects the Expectations and Skills of our Pastor as an adept leader, inspiring preacher, and energetic person.  Watch for the first message from the Call Committee Saturday, June 27.

In bringing Pastor Ioan to us, we thank God for His guidance, His wisdom, and His insight. The Call Committee is filled with gratitude for your prayers of encouragement, discernment, and support.

In humble service,
Ann Bartelt, Chair
Clarice Blanchard                                           Lonna Nielsen
Don Darling                                                     Jerry Swanson
Alan Feirer                                                      Lisa Vossekuil

2) St. Paul will resume in-person worship Sunday, June 28, at 9:00 a.m. Pastor Brian will be speaking about “Patience!” 

For those who will not be present physically, we will have live streaming of the worship service on St. Paul’s Facebook page, and by Monday morning the service should be posted on our website.

Most importantly, no matter where you are physically for church, we are looking forward to a rich, fulfilling worship experience, together, with glad and joyful hearts.

Thanks to this Sunday’s Worship Leaders and Volunteers:
Assisting Worship Leader – Don Darling
Audio-Video Operator – Wayne Martens
Facebook Live Director – Jackson Kimball
Hosts and Ushers – Debi Martens, Liz Hansen, Amy Kimball, Ann Bartelt, Jacque Mohs

As a reminder, we respectfully ask that you stay home if you are feeling sick, have a temperature, or have been exposed to someone who is positive for COVID-19.

What will the service look like?

  • The service will be shortened, yet full in devotion, message, and prayer.
  • We will have worship music with truly one voice as it is not safe for us all to sing.
  • We will monitor entering and exiting the church to maintain six-feet distancing.
  • We will space pews to sit a minimum of six feet apart.
  • Offering plates will be available at the church entrance.
  • We will have Holy Communion, offered in sealed, individual portions.
  • Our traditional practice of sharing of the peace is suspended until further notice.
  • Families with small children will be seated at tables near the back to provide children the needed space to be comfortable with their own quiet books and small toys.

Safety Protocols

  • Volunteers will be giving directions and providing assistance.
  • Masks are highly recommended and encouraged in the church and during worship.
  • Masks will be available should you need one.
  • Verbal greetings will be at a minimum six-feet distance.
  • We will use the screen in order to not pass germs on hymnals or bulletins.
  • The restrooms are closed except for emergencies; sanitizing protocols are posted.
  • Please follow posted signage for closed classrooms, the kitchen, and other areas as marked.
  • Social hour may occur outside on the lawn or on the west parking lot with a personal beverage you have brought. Physical distancing is required and wearing masks is highly recommended and encouraged.

3) THERE’S STILL TIME TO REGISTER!  “Camp HOPE”, our Vacation Bible School program this summer will take place July 13-17 via online streaming through Lutheran Church of Hope. Even though the initial early bird registration date has passed, there is still time to register! Click here:  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/109195653138 Please email our St. Paul VBS Coordinator Jackie Stack at jr.stack@outlook.com with any questions.


Church office email: StPaulLutheranChurch@hotmail.com
Pastor Brian Mortenson email: StPaulPastor1941@gmail.com
Pastoral Emergencies: 605-351-0867

Church office phone: 515-462-4270