Dear St. Paul Friends,
We had “Re-entry“ Sunday this past weekend, and it was so great to see the smiling eyes and foreheads of so many of you!
We numbered 43 of us in church, and 42 “check-ins” on our Facebook live stream. The link to view the worship service will continue to be available on our website for those who missed it.
Our goal for our in-person worship-(after giving God the glory!)- was to ensure that worshipers “felt safe”, and we are pleased to have received feedback indicating this to have been the case. Thanks to all who were present for being intentional and respecting the important “rules of engagement”. We will continue our commitment to honor “best practices“ during this Covid time, and our thanks go out to our re-entry task force members who will continue to provide leadership towards this end. Heartfelt appreciation to Jacque Mohs, Chair, Dr. Amy Kimball, and Ann Bartelt who are the members of this team.
Our “EPISTLES to St. Paul” series of letters from members and friends will be trickling down these days (unless we see a resurgence of activity along these lines, which would be welcomed!) I know that we all have been truly blessed by the wealth of care, wisdom, faith, encouragement, humor and insight which has been shared by so many of you through these wonderful writings. Please join me in expressing gratitude to Brenda Hollingsworth for her great coordination of this series, and I know that she will be happy to continue to visit with any of you who may be considering sharing God’s grace and love with the St. Paul community through an Epistle.
For now, we will continue to identify our St. Paul communication updates as “EPISTLES” for the sake of organizing by date and number.
For those who currently are unable to attend our in-person worship service, but desire to receive Holy Communion, please mark your calendar for next Wednesday, July 8, from 10:00-10:45 AM, and 4:30-5:15 PM. During these time periods, we will provide a no contact, distanced opportunity for you to receive the Lord’s Supper. When you arrive at the church, you may drive up under the overhang from the west side entrance of the circle drive at the front entrance of the building. There will be a table that will have a basket of “communion kit” packets. You may take a packet, and drive forward. I will look forward to greeting you there, and will provide a pastoral “check-in”, offer a prayer and a scripture reading, and share the words of institution in order to consecrate the bread and grape juice, for you to receive the body and blood of Christ which has been given for you through this means.
Though no RSVP is required, it would be helpful if you intend to participate in this, to let us know in order to secure and prepare supplies accordingly. Please call the church office (515-.462-4270 or email us
There you have it. The news of the day!
Do stay tuned in to your email for ongoing Epistle updates and communications from our re-entry task force, our call committee, and other important items over the days to come!
Peace and love in Jesus,
Pastor Brian
Church office email:
Pastor Brian Mortenson email:
Pastoral Emergencies: 605-351-0867
Church office phone: 515-462-4270