Introducing Pastor Ioan Ittu, Part Two
The Congregation Council has accepted the recommendation of the Call Committee to present Pastor Ioan Ittu to the congregation to be called as the next pastor of St. Paul. With excitement for our future, a special meeting of the congregation is set for Sunday, July 12, 9:45 a.m. to present Pastor Ioan to you and to affirm and celebrate his call to St. Paul.
This is the second of a three-part series introducing the congregation to Pastor Ioan Ittu (pronounced you-wan e-too). Part one, serving as an introduction, was published June 27. Today we will share highlights of Pastor Ioan’s leadership skills and energy. The third part will be published July 11 and will focus on Pastor Ioan’s skills in leading worship and preaching, including the children’s sermon.
The Call Committee believes that Pastor Ioan embodies the description of our new pastor included in the Charge to the Committee from the Congregation Council (January 2020): “This congregation will welcome a pastor who loves the Lord, loves people, has an engaging communication style, and who will enthusiastically embrace this pivotal phase and opportunity for pastoral leadership in the life of the congregation.”
Pastor Ioan’s Leadership Skills and Energy
The Charge to the Call Committee from the Congregation Council asked the committee to seek someone who
- Has a proven track record of shepherding vibrant program ministries
- Recognizes and prioritizes the pastoral role of “equipping the saints” to do God’s work by empowering members in their discovery, development, and deployment of their gifts for ministry in life and through the congregation
- Is adept and intentional in working with lay leaders
- Brings enthusiasm and vitality to worship leadership
- Interacts with people in a manner that is positive, genuine, and builds community
Through the discernment process, the Call Committee found Pastor Ioan to be
- Respectful of the congregation’s ideas and highly collaborative in decision-making
- Motivated to involve lay people and congregational groups in church participation and outreach to the community
- A guide-by-the-side for opportunities involving both newly initiated and established ministries
- Comfortable, open, and outgoing in his interactions with people of all ages
- With a focus on God’s love and Christ’s teachings, welcomes the challenges of how we shall respond to the needs of today’s troubled world
- A good listener, trusted by his congregation, focused on understanding and compassion
In his rostered minister profile, provided to the committee, Pastor Ioan was asked to identify the three most prominent themes that others would say are strongly evident in his speaking, teaching, leading and living. In the voice of those others, he said they would most likely say:
The love from us for the neighbor.
Down to earth humor.
We shall formally present Pastor Ioan and address any of your questions at the specially called meeting of the congregation as required in our Constitution (C9.01) which states “Authority to call a pastor shall be in this congregation by at least a two-thirds vote of voting members present and voting at a meeting legally called for that purpose.” Furthermore, 25 voting members shall constitute a quorum (C10.04). We look forward to your participation in this important step of the call process.
In bringing Pastor Ioan to us, we thank God for His guidance, His wisdom, and His insight. The Call Committee is filled with gratitude for your prayers of encouragement, discernment, and support.
Ann Bartelt, Chair
Clarice Blanchard Lonna Nielsen
Don Darling Jerry Swanson
Alan Feirer Lisa Vossekuil
Church office email:
Pastor Brian Mortenson email:
Pastoral Emergencies: 605-351-0867
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