We are pleased and excited to announce that we had 46 St. Paul members in attendance at our congregational meeting yesterday, and voted to extend a call to Pastor Ioan Ittu to become the next pastor of St. Paul Lutheran Church 46 in favor to 0 opposed. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
Special thanks for all of you who were able to “weather” the elements and participate in this important meeting for the future of God’s church here at St. Paul Lutheran.
If you were unable to be present yesterday,and have not yet had the opportunity to review the information which has been shared by the Call Committee about Pastor Ittu, please be certain to check out the 5-minute video in Epistle #70 with his personal greetings and introduction to you all. You will find him to be a delightful and engaging person, with skill-set and passion in all the right “categories.”
What’s next? The official “Letter of Call” documents have been duly signed by our President and Secretary, Dan Nielsen and Barb Kellogg, and mailed to the Southeastern Iowa Synod Bishop Michael Burk for signature prior to going to Pastor Ittu. Pastor Ittu has anywhere up to 30 days (from the July 12 meeting date) to respond to this call, and the congregation will be notified right away with his response.
What does the potential timeline for transition look like? Early indications are that if Pastor Itttu accepts the call, he is likely to begin his work among us between mid-September and mid-October. This date will be arranged between Pastor Ittu and Dan Nielsen, involving multiple considerations on the pastor of Pastor Ittu. (“Finishing well” at his current congregation, selling a home and finding a home, a cross-country move…oh, and if you haven’t heard, carrying out wedding plans!)
Interim Pastor Brian Mortenson will be with us through August, and we will have arrangements in place for Sunday morning worship and emergency pastoral care coverage until the arrival of our new pastor.
While there are no guarantees and the Holy Spirit and Pastor Ittu will discern together, (just as the Holy Spirit and our congregation have done over these last months!), we do anticipate and pray for a positive response. If not, of course, while disappointing, we would trust God and re-fresh and organize with a listening ear to the Lord for next steps.
In the meantime, we look forward to a great new future – God’s future – and excitedly remain in prayer and preparation!
Praise God for direction, encouragement, support and love through HIs Son Jesus!
Stay tuned!
Church office email: StPaulLutheranChurch@hotmail.com
Pastor Brian Mortenson email: StPaulPastor1941@gmail.com
Pastoral Emergencies: 605-351-0867
Church office phone: 515-462-4270