1. Look for the St. Paul Worship Service opportunity coming to you first thing this Sunday morning in Epistle #78. Pastor Brian will be sharing a message on Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52, with the title of: “Small Seeds, Big Surprises!”
2. Please continue to keep Pastor Ioan Ittu and his family in your prayers as he considers the Letter of Call which he just officially received from St. Paul Lutheran Church following the unanimous vote of the congregation on Sunday, the 12th of July. These are exciting days for our congregation, as well as for Pastor Ittu!
3. Please pray also for the Southeastern Iowa Synod Assembly, through which a new bishop of the Synod will be elected. The current Bishop, Michael Burk, is completing his second term and plans to retire. The Assembly will be taking place on-line on August 7, 2020. Special prayers are also appreciated for Lisa and Darrell Vossekuil and Pastor Brian, who are voting members of the assembly, and St. Paul member Julie Feirer, who is serving as Chair of the Bishop Election Committee.
4. Please know of a special need right now of LSI’s Host Homes Program – Each year, Lutheran Services in Iowa (LSI) empowers hundreds of Iowans with disabilities. And despite the COVID-19 pandemic, this year is no different. There is no greater joy for us than seeing an individual develop greater independence, find their confidence, and thrive. And through our innovative Host Homes program, LSI has found a new way to lift up our Iowa neighbors and keep them safe in times of crisis. Through the program, adults with disabilities (or “mentees”) move from a supported community living setting – like a 24-hour, fully staffed home with roommates – and into a private family home with a Host Homes “mentor.” LSI collaborates with the individuals we serve and the contracted mentors to ensure each match is the perfect fit and create a shared living opportunity that is beneficial to mentors and mentees. With the extra safety precautions associated with COVID-19, this program is a safe option where participants are in a home setting, interacting with one trusted mentor instead of several staff members. LSI is seeking compassionate and dedicated caregivers to join us in the mission. If you have room in your heart and in your home, being a Host Homes mentor might be for you! Visit LSIowa.org/HostHomes to learn more. If you are interested in supporting crucial programming like LSI’s Services for People with Disabilities, please contact Deb Whitford, LSI director of philanthropy and church relations, at 563-676-2065 or Deborah.Whitford@LSIowa.org.
Church office email: StPaulLutheranChurch@hotmail.com
Pastor Brian Mortenson email: StPaulPastor1941@gmail.com
Pastoral Emergencies: 605-351-0867
Church office phone: 515-462-4270