- 1. Join us for in-house worship this Sunday, October 4, at either 8 a.m. or 10:00 a.m. Pastor Ioan’s sermon will be based on Matthew 21:33-46. Below you will find a devotion based on our Scripture:
“Under new management.” Imagine walking up to your favorite restaurant and seeing that sign. You might feel surprised or anxious. No matter what the former restaurant owners accomplished, the establishment is now someone else’s responsibility.
This parable is about rejection and responsibility. A landowner leased his vineyard to tenants. When he sent his slaves to collect the produce, the tenants harmed them. When the landowner sent his own son, they killed him They thought they could get the son’s inheritance that way, but the opposite happened. The landowner placed the vineyard under new management.
God is the ultimate landowner and welcomes us as tenants. But what kind of tenants will we be? Will we reject the landowner’s Son, or receive him in faith? Will we produce the fruits of the kingdom? Jesus’ story encourages us to embrace our responsibilities as agents of God’s kingdom and produce an abundant harvest.
2. Our thanks is little to say to all of you have said YES to the Re-Entry Task Force as we navigated outdoor services in September and then made the move to indoor services. There is much that happens behind the scenes to prepare for worship (much thanks to our sound technicians and musicians), and there are those who serve us during worship. Whether you handed out communion cups, collected offering, guided people to their seats, or wiped down touched surfaces, your role kept us safe and healthy as we came together in-person. We are blessed by your willingness to serve and look forward to each next re-entry step. Thank you! Jacque Mohs, Dr. Amy Kimball, and Ann Bartelt
3. OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD plastic tubs have arrived. I will be handing them out between services this Sunday, Oct 4th. They will be available at the church until they are all gone. We will have the OCC preprinted shoeboxes available after the plastic tubs are gone. Other items available on the OCC table will be:
1. Brochures with labels to indicate the age/sex of the child your box is for.
2. Further information about packing your box and the do’s and don’ts of items.
3. Forms for people to use to place into box to share information about themselves.
Postage is $9/box again this year. If you want to track your box or use a credit card to pay postage you must do that online and print off the label and attach to your box. You will not be able to track your box by putting money into the provided envelop. If you are unable to shop for items to pack your own shoebox, Samaritans Purse offers “Build a Shoebox Online.” Visit their website samaritanspurse.org/occ. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Lonna Nielsen at 515-210-4086.
4. Choir Begins October 8! Join us on Thursday, October 8, from 7 – 7:30 pm for choir rehearsal. Please wear masks. Hope to see you all there!
5. “HELP! CROP WALK”: Working to end World Hunger one step at a time. While we are not doing our regular walk this year, please consider walking with your wallet to help St. Paul help Church World Services efforts. The need is great as donations have fallen more than a million dollars so far this year. St. Paul will have a donation station set up in the Chapel on Oct. 4th and 11th to receive your gifts. Please make checks out to CWS CropWalk. Thank you for your continued support. – Dick Anderson
6. “Blessings” – If you can put nourishing food on your table, be thankful. Remember the many who cannot do so….we have a way to help. Bring canned goods, baby supplies (no infant food), and hygiene items to church and place them in the shopping cart in the hall. If you prefer, cash or checks are always welcome. Make checks payable to “Matura.” The offerings are taken to Matura after the first Sunday of the month. You’ll be part of God’s blessings for those in neeed. Thank you!
7. Semi-Annual Meeting October 25 following the 10 am service. Mark your calendars!
Church office phone: 515-462-4270
Church office email: Office@stpaullutheranchurch.net
Pastor Ioan Ittu: 626-419-6331
Pastor Ioan email: Pastorioan@stpaullutheranchurch.net