Happy Birthday to Pastor Ioan! Good morning. Here are the Friday announcements.
1. Come worship with us at 9:30 on Sunday! You are welcome to watch the service livestreamed on our YouTube channel
Pastor Ioan will be delivering the message based on Exodus 16:2-4, 9-15. Here is a devotion based on that text: What does it mean to know God? Depending on the individual, the congregation, or even the denominational tradition, knowing God can sometimes be reduced to an intellectual exercise. This text tells us that the knowledge of God is connected to an experience of God, and especially experiencing God’s provision. Knowing God is also expressed in obeying God, an act that can cycle back to a deeper knowledge of God. – Sara Koenig
2. Our heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of Jerry Swanson. Jerry died this morning. Services are pending.
3. Food Pantry Sunday is this Sunday! Please bring your donation of canned goods, baby supplies (no infant food), and hygiene items to church and place them in the shopping cart. If you prefer, cash or checks are always welcome. Make check payable to “Matura.” These offerings are taken to Matura after the first Sunday of the month. You’ll be part of God’s blessings for those in need!
4. Congregation COVID Guidelines Update – Masks are optional for all services and ministries at St Paul. Please come, worship, and be fed-we’ve missed you! We are also continuing to livestream Sunday services on our youtube channel, or you can catch the recording posted the next day. If you want to wear a mask, or keep some distance between yourself and others at any service or ministry, for any reason, please do so with St. Paul’s full blessing.
5. Transportation Ministry – St. Paul has begun an ongoing Transportation Ministry. Our first recipients on this transportation ministry are Ronnie and Shirley Addy who need transportation to Ronnie’s kidney dialysis three days a week in south Des Moines at Fresenius Kidney Care, 6651 SW 9th Street. His appointments begin at 10:30 a.m. and end at approximately 2:30 p.m. He needs to be picked up no later than 9:40 at North Ward, 415 N. 2nd Street, Winterset, at the south door of the east building. Ronnie will be unable to get into a high vehicle. Please contact Shirley with any questions 515-468-0121. Ronnie’s cell is 515-468-1982. You can choose to take Ronnie, pick him up, or do both.
Please use this link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60b0b48afaf22a6ff2-transportation to SignUp Genius to indicate when you will are willing to drive Ronnie to and/or from his appointment. Please include your cell phone number in the comments. This is a long-term ministry, so check back often as SignUp Genius is updated.
6. Sunday Bible Study: Bible Study meets in person only at 10:30 a.m. following Sunday morning worship in the front most classroom by the front office. During the class, we invite questions, comments, and connections, as we expand upon the readings from the worship service.
7. Upcoming Worship Helpers: Sunday, August 1, 9:30 am. – Greeters/Ushers: Jason & Nicole Darling; Reader: Dick Anderson; Sound: Dan Nielsen; Videographer: Lonna Nielsen; Musician: Lori Paup; Counters: Wayne Martens, Lisa Vossekuil; Communion Bread: Karen Meyer; Communion Servers (need two): NEEDED
8. Upcoming Worship Helpers: Sunday, August 8, 9:30 am. – Greeters/Ushers: NEEDED; Reader: Liz Hansen; Sound: Wayne Martens; Videographer: Debi Martens; Musician: NEEDED; Singer: NEEDED; Counters: Dean Bartelt, Lisa Vossekuil; Communion Bread: Ruthanne Korte; Communion Servers (need two): NEEDED
9. God Squad – St. Paul wants to bring back our 4 year old through 6th grade Christian education ministry on Wednesday evenings, which we call God Squad. But we need volunteers to do that. If you can volunteer once a month to lead a specialized activity like art, music, science or games, please consider helping. If you can volunteer to teach a class each week, please consider helping. A church without kids is a church without a future. We want to return our ministry to as close to normal as possible in September, so the plan for God Squad is 5:40p-7:00p on Wednesdays throughout the school year starting September 15th, 2021. Please check out the various roles and program description on Sign-Up Genius:
10. VBS August 11th and 12th: It’s that time of year again and we are so excited to be able to have Vacation Bible School (VBS), in person!! VBS at St. Paul is held each summer, with curriculum and counselors provided by Riverside Bible Camp, as well as volunteers from St. Paul. VBS is open to students going into 1st through 6th grade. The program is from 9:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. August 11th and 12th and includes music, drama, Bible study, science, arts & crafts, outdoor games, and more. There is no charge for the program; however, non-perishable donations are welcome for our community. You can read more about the Riverside day camp program at their website; RiversideBible Camp.
The theme this year will be ‘Brand New’, based upon the scripture from Romans 6:4. “Just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.”
Both youth and adult volunteers from the church are needed!!!
Here is some additional information you may find helpful about VBS at St. Paul:
- All children entering 1st-6th grade are welcome
- Lunch, Snack and Beverage will be provided
- Volunteers are needed to help with supervising kids. This is an easy job that requires no advance planning! Just show up and provide a helping hand when asked. We do need to have volunteers committed to attend IN ADVANCE to make sure there is enough help and supervision.
11. Worship Service Helpers/Volunteers Needed! If you are able and willing to help with our 9:30 service, we need you! Please consider helping with St. Paul’s return to normalcy by volunteering. We especially need two Communion Servers for each Sunday to sign-up at this time, but there are lots of positions that need filling! 3 Easy ways to do it:
1. Use Sign-Up Genius! It’s easy to access and will even send you a reminder of your commitment. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60b0b48afaf22a6ff2-stpaul.
2. Volunteer Kiosk: We have set-up kiosks in the entryway.
3. Call the Church office- 515-462-4270
12. Free Sunshine! If you would like to help mow the church lawn this season, and get your dose of Vitamin D, please use Sign Up Genius to sign up at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B0B48AFAF22A6FF2-20201 Thank you!
13. Spotlight on LSI – School is right around the corner! This time of year can be exciting and stressful for many of us, but adjusting back into a classroom routine can be especially difficult for kids and teens with emotional or behavioral disorders .Lutheran Services in Iowa (LSI) provides mental and behavioral health services for children and families across the state. Our therapists provide virtual and in-person therapy sessions with children, while our Behavioral Health Intervention Services (BHIS) team collaborates with families in their home or in a community setting to help them develop skills like anger management and healthy decision making. LSI also provides 24-hour mental health care at the Bremwood and Beloit Residential Treatment Centers in Waverly and Ames to empower Iowa children and teens.
We thank you for your support of LSI’s mission as we respond together to the love of Jesus Christ through compassionate service! We know there are more Iowa children in need of this critical care. If you would like to learn more about how you can give a gift to support these crucial services, please contact Deb Whitford, LSI director of philanthropy and church relations, at 563-676-2065 or Deborah.Whitford@LSIowa.org.
Church office phone: 515-462-4270
Church office email: Office@stpaullutheranchurch.net
Pastor Ioan Ittu: 515-419-5224
Pastor Ioan email: Pastorioan@stpaullutheranchurch.net