Friday, June 25 Announcements: Worship, & More

Good morning. Here are the Friday announcements!

1. Come worship with us at 9:30 on Sunday!  We will be worshipping  inside this Sunday. You are welcome to watch the service livestreamed on our YouTube channel
Pastor Ioan will be delivering a sermon based on 2 Corinthians 8:7-15. Below is a devotion based on that Scripture:

Everyone loves a stewardship text, right? Perhaps not. It is hard to be asked, or to ask others, to give of their worldly possessions. We especially have strong emotional ties to our money because, like it or not, it represents security and control. Often we don’t mind giving of our excess (if we ever have any!), but to give beyond that means to risk not having enough for ourselves and our families. In an uncertain world, we don’t know what tomorrow may bring.

Paul is not ordering the Corinthians to give; he is encouraging them to prove that their love is sincere. Giving to others as a way to feel better about yourself is not helpful. Instead we are to give cheerfully, knowing that if we are in need, God will take care of us through the generosity of others. Stewardship should not be viewed as something we are obligated to do, but as something we are motivated to do out of love for Christ and our fellow human. – Laurie Neill

2. Congregation COVID Guidelines Update – Starting this weekend, masks are optional for all services and ministries at St Paul. Please come, worship, and be fed-we’ve missed you! We are also continuing to livestream Sunday services on our youtube channel, or you can catch the recording posted the next day. If you want to wear a mask, or keep some distance between yourself and others at any service or ministry, for any reason, please do so with St. Paul’s full blessing.

3.Transportation Ministry – St. Paul has begun an ongoing Transportation Ministry. Our first recipients on this transportation ministry are Ronnie and Shirley Addy who need transportation to Ronnie’s kidney dialysis three days a week in south Des Moines at Fresenius Kidney Care, 6651 SW 9th Street.  His appointments begin at 9:30 a.m. and end at approximately1:30 p.m. He needs to be picked up no later than 8:40 at North Ward, 415 N. 2nd Street, Winterset, at the south door of the east building. Ronnie will be unable to get into a high vehicle. Please contact Shirley with any questions 515-468-0121. Ronnie’s cell is 515-468-1982. 

Please use this link to SignUp Genius to indicate when you will are willing to drive Ronnie to and/or from his appointment. Please include your cell phone number in the comments. This is a long-term ministry, so check back often as SignUp Genius is updated. 

 4. Sunday Bible Study: In Person or on Zoom through June – Bible Study meets at 10:30 a.m. following Sunday morning worship. As part of our transition back to normalcy as Covid wanes, we will begin to transition to being only in-person for Sunday bible study and meet in a smaller classroom rather than in the sanctuary. During the class, we invite questions, comments, and connections, as we expand upon the readings from the worship service. Join us either in-person OR via zoom on which you can fully participate, using the link below.  

To access Zoom on Sundays at 10:30 a.m. click the link below and enter the required Meeting ID number and the Passcode. Or call by phone the below number and then follow the prompts to dial the required Meeting ID number and the Passcode number.
Zoom Sunday Bible Study Link:
Meeting ID: 899 7325 9796
Passcode: 1120
Dial-In by Phone:
+1 312 626 6799
Meeting ID: 899 7325 9796
Passcode: 1120

5. Virtual Sunday School –  Sunday, June 27, 8 am on our YouTube channel –  Call the kids over and have a short time for worship dedicated to our preschool to early/middle elementary age kids.

6. Upcoming Worship Helpers: Sunday, June 27, 9:30 am. –  Greeter/Usher: Kimball Family; Reader: Amy Kimball; Sound: Wayne Martens; Videographer: Debi Martens; Musician:Videos; Singer: Beth Sunds; Council Leader: NEEDED; Counters: Dean Bartelt,Wayne Martens

Upcoming Worship Helpers: Sunday, July 4, 9:30 am. – Greeter/Usher: Marilyn Mount, NEEDED; Reader: NEEDED; Sound: Dan Nielsen; Videographer: Lonna Nielsen; Musician: NEEDED; Singer: NEEDED; Council Leader: NEEDED; Counters:NEEDED; Communion Bread: Karen Meyer; Communion Servers: NEEDED.

7. Worship Service Helpers Needed! If you are able and willing to help with our 9:30 worship, please use Sign-Up Genius! It’s easy to access and will even send you a reminder of your commitment. You will be of big assistance to those who desire to worship in-person as we follow our safety protocols. Thank you for your service. (You can also call the church office to sign up: 462-4270)

8. Free Sunshine! If you would like to help mow the church lawn this season, and get your dose of Vitamin D, please use Sign Up Genius to sign up at Thank you!

Church office phone: 515-462-4270

Church office email:

Pastor Ioan Ittu: 515-419-5224

Pastor Ioan email: