Good morning. Here are the Friday announcements!
1. Come worship with us at 9:30 on Sunday! Since there’s a good chance the weather won’t cooperate with us, we will worship inside this Sunday. You are welcome to watch the service livestreamed on our YouTube channel
Pastor Ioan will be delivering a sermon based on Acts 2:1-21. Below is a devotion based on that Scripture:
We humans like to celebrate. The 4th of July brings people together to remember our founders’ declaration of independence and celebrate our freedom as a nation. On Thanksgiving Day we remember the settlers who knew their dependence on God and on indigenous people to survive.
During the coronavirus pandemic, we have longed to gather with others to celebrate. Waiting for lifting of restrictions has tested our patience. For followers of Jesus after his death and resurrection, waiting for what would come next tested their patience and trust in his promises. With other faithful Jews, they gathered in Jerusalem for the Pentecost celebration to celebrate the wheat harvest.
Beyond every expectation, God did a new thing! Wind and fire witnessed to the presence of God. Strangers heard in their own languages when his followers spoke of Jesus. God’s Spirit broke down human-made barriers and brought people together. A prophecy fulfilled! The Spirit given! – George Carlson
2. Congregation COVID Guidelines Update – While outside, we will have a section for those that are vaccinated, prefer not to wear a mask and/or social distance. We will also have a section for those that are not yet fully vaccinated or are more comfortable wearing a mask and being socially distanced. Due to the recent change in CDC guidelines, if we need to move inside due to inclement weather, or if you’re helping with the worship service inside the building, masks are optional for those that are fully vaccinated. We will also allow singing indoors and outside. We do recommend that those who are not yet fully vaccinated wear a mask and refrain from singing in order to protect others.
Masks are optional in small group settings like bible study, committee meetings and Quilters for those that are vaccinated. We encourage those that are not yet vaccinated to wear a mask, however, non-vaccinated group members may choose to remove their masks if everyone present agrees.
The Re-Entry Taskforce, Worship Committee and Council will determine and communicate next steps after June 13th.
3. Sunday Bible Study: In Person or on Zoom – Bible Study meets at 10:30 a.m. following Sunday morning worship. During the class, we invite questions, comments, and connections, as we expand upon the readings from the worship service. Join us either in-person, safely seated in the sanctuary, OR via zoom on which you can fully participate, using the link below.
To access Zoom on Sundays at 10:30 a.m. click the link below and enter the required Meeting ID number and the Passcode. Or call by phone the below number and then follow the prompts to dial the required Meeting ID number and the Passcode number.
Zoom Sunday Bible Study Link:
Meeting ID: 899 7325 9796
Passcode: 1120
Dial-In by Phone:
+1 312 626 6799
Meeting ID: 899 7325 9796
Passcode: 1120
4. Virtual Sunday School – Sunday, May 23, 8 am on our YouTube channel – Call the kids over and have a short time for worship dedicated to our preschool to early/middle elementary age kids.
5. Upcoming Worship Helpers: Sunday, May 23, 9:30 am. – Greeter/Usher: Dean and Ann Bartelt; Reader: Ann Bartelt; Sound: Jacque Mohs; Videographer: Tim Mohs; Musician: Georgine Bellamy; Singer: Pat Nelson; Council Leader: Rana Scarlett; Counters: Jen Acton, Kim Patience
Upcoming Worship Helpers: Sunday, May 30, 9:30 am. – Greeter/Usher: Jim and Pat Nelson; Reader: Pat Nelson Sound: NEEDED; Videographer: NEEDED; Musician: Clarice Blanchard; Singer: NEEDED; Council Leader: Rana Scarlett; Counters: Dan Nielsen, Steve Dick
6. Worship Service Helpers Needed! If you are able and willing to help with our 9:30 worship, please use Sign-Up Genius! It’s easy to access and will even send you a reminder of your commitment. You will be of big assistance to those who desire to worship in-person as we follow our safety protocols. Thank you for your service. (You can also call the church office to sign up: 462-4270)
7. Blood Drive – Our next Blood Drive is Tuesday, May 25 from 2-7 pm. Cookies, bars, and cateen workers are needed! Please bring your donation of cookies/bars to the church by noon on Tuesday. Call 1-800-287-4903 to schedule your blood donation time! Thank you!
8. Birdies for Charity – Refugee families are on their way to Iowa.LSI helps families acclimate themselves to communities. Remember your donation makes a difference to those in need!
Here’s how you can help: Write a check payable to LSI (Lutheran Services in Iowa) and in the memo write “Birdies for Charity.” Put in Twila’s church mailbox or in the locked box outside the office door. Deadline: May 30, 2021. If you have any questions, call Twila at 462-1505.
PS We have received four donations (thank you!) and I’m looking for more! Sammons Financial will send along an additional 10% to each donation!
9. St. Paul will have an open meeting about our Children & Youth Ministry on June 6th directly following our 9:30 a.m. worship. A vibrant children & youth ministry is broadly desired by members, but also critical for our church bouncing back from our COVID downturn. All are invited to this open meeting, but we especially need those who have any ability to volunteer and help our children and youth ministry revitalize. Those who attended will have the opportunity to give input on a tentative short-term ministry plan for this Summer & Fall, and contribute their thoughts and ideas to our church’s more general children & youth ministry vision.
10. Have you registered for Riverside Lutheran Bible Camp? Please check out their week long Youth Camp, Ranch Camp & Adventure Camp: There may be some spots left. Through the generosity of the St. Paul Trust Fund we are offering a $300 campership per child for St. Paul families attending a week long camp at Riverside. It’s been a tough year, and the Trust Fund wants our kids to long forward to a joyful Summer. At the end of the registration process when you get to the payment section enter “SPW21” as your discount code and the $300 will be automatically applied in addition to the deposit families will also need to provide. If the deposit or remaining camp costs would still prevent your child from going to camp, please talk to the camp or Pastor Ioan and we will work something out so finances aren’t the preventing factor. (Junior High – current 5th-8th graders) (High School – current 9th-12th graders)
11. Spring has Sprung! If you would like to help mow the church lawn this season, please use Sign Up Genius to sign up at Thank you!
12. Chase and Carolyn Petsche welcome our church family to celebrate Olivia’s high school graduation on Saturday, May 22 from 4-7pm for an outdoor party at our home, 2456 167th Ct, Winterset. Olivia plans to attend Iowa State University to study piano performance and English in the fall.
Church office phone: 515-462-4270
Church office email:
Pastor Ioan Ittu: 515-419-5224
Pastor Ioan email: