Lots of fun and fellowship for our St. Paul kids this week! On Tuesday the church hosted a community playdate for eleven kids and their parents. We will continue to do this once a month and would love to see as many of you as possible if you’re free! Our next playdate is Tuesday, March 15 at 10 a.m. Bring a snack to share and meet other parents in the community and our congregation!
I delivered the Paw Pantry donations and the Middle School was very grateful. As I mentioned before, the Pantry serves students in the community who are food insecure on the weekends. Winterset families can access the pantry on Thursdays between the hours of 3:15-5:15. The school partners with the Food Bank of Iowa for the food, but they have to gather toiletry, household and hygiene products separately. Everyone really stepped up and with the items our St. Paul kids brought in (and a little money from the children’s offering) we had a great donation to give them including lotions, shampoo, paper towels, toilet paper, toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorants, dish soap, Kleenex, laundry detergent, soap and more! This is definitely a cause we will continue to follow in the future. I delivered the items on Tuesday and the Pantry was open on Thursday and ALL of the items we donated were gone by 5:15. The “need” is definitely there. Great job kids!
Our younger Sunday school students started with music and then discussed “God’s promise to Abram” and Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18. Our fourth through sixth grade students covered “Praising Jesus,” the importance of Lent and Matthew 21:9.
We had a big group at God Squad this week! The younger class recapped any random acts of kindness the children performed last week and the inclusion of women to spread God’s messages. The older kids went “two by two” to spread the good news into RoxAnn and Liz’s classroom and also discussed women and God’s messages. This concludes the “Jesus Calls Helpers” unit. Next week we begin “Jesus Lives.” Those who attended the service were also treated to a performance by the Children’s Bell Choir to cap off another great week!