Call Committee Members
Ann Bartelt, Chair
Clarice Blanchard
Don Darling
Alan Feirer
Lonna Nielsen
Jerry Swanson
Lisa Vossekuil
Your Church Council and Call Committee have completed the Ministry Site Profile (MSP), which will go the ELCA Southeastern Iowa Synod for pastoral candidates for our church. Information for the MSP came from the Congregational Assessment Tool (CAT, completed last March) and surveys from church leaders collected by Pastor Brian. The MSP describes who we are, our vision for mission, our gifts, programs, and goals. This document, along with the Charge to the Call Committee, describes the gifts for ministry and expectations for our next pastor. Here are the opening paragraphs from the Charge:
St. Paul Lutheran Church is a church with a solid history and a bright future. We are committed to a multi-generational ministry and to serving people in our community and beyond in the name of Jesus Christ. We believe that one of our primary callings as a congregation is to provide hospitality and to feed people – both physically and spiritually, members and nonmembers alike.
This congregation will welcome a pastor who loves the Lord, loves people, has an engaging communication style, and who will enthusiastically embrace this pivotal phase and opportunity for pastoral leadership in the life of our congregation.
Pastoral candidate names are now being accepted!
Perhaps you know of an effective pastor whom you believe may have the qualifications to be considered as a candidate for St Paul Lutheran. In addition to our Southeastern Iowa Synod Office of the Bishop, our congregation will be a key source in providing names of potential candidates. Within the next few weeks, we ask that if you are mindful of a potential candidate, that you would please identify that persons name through the nomination form for pastoral candidates and submit at your earliest convenience.
This form simply requires minimal basic information which will establish some key reference points for the individual that you identify, allowing our Synod Office to follow up in a confidential manner in vetting the candidate for possible consideration. Forms are available at the ushers table at the rear of the sanctuary.
Note: It is important to clarify that the call committee will be unable to keep the submitter informed as to any specific communication with, or consideration of, any individual candidate out of respect for the strict confidence which is required in this process of dealing with names received.
Call Committee Requests
As the Call Committee continues their work preparing for candidates we respectfully request two things of you:
1) Please pray for the greater church, for St. Paul and its congregation, and for our committee. We ask that you pray for wisdom and discernment, for patience and perseverance, and for the guidance of the Holy Spirit as we move through the call process.
2) Candidates will see our property through new eyes; could they imagine themselves serving our church? In anticipation of these visits, we want to be prepared with fresh, clean, uncluttered spaces. Would you please consider the rooms that you frequent through your service to the church and help us ready those areas for company? Indicate your willingness to help and watch for a church clean-up work day to be scheduled soon.
Documents & Resources
Congregational Charge to Call Committee
Previous Announcements