Announcements for January 6, 2019

Commitment Sunday | Today

Throughout Advent we focused on God’s generosity to us, and today on Commitment Sunday we have the opportunity to respond to God’s grace through our Estimate of Giving Cards. Cards have been sent to St. Paul members, and additional cards are available on the ushers’ table. Thank you in advance for your prayerful support of St. Paul’s mission and ministry!

Christmas Decoration Take Down Many hands make light work!

Saturday, Jan. 12th – 9am   This usually takes about an hour with a dozen people helping.  Your help is greatly appreciated!

Apprentice Series, Part 3 | begins January 13

You are enthusiastically invited to participate in the next segment of the Apprentice Small Group Series, entitled The Good and Beautiful Community, starting January 13 from 6:00 to 7:00 PM. Come and explore how we follow Jesus more closely in community!

Bible Study | Between Services Today

Please join Twila Seibert in the chapel following the 8:00 service for her on-going study of the letters 1st and 2nd Timothy. Paul’s advice to a younger follower provides offers us encouragement and hope for our own journey.

Children and Youth Ministry Resumes this Week

Our ministries for Children and Youth, (i.e. God Squad, Confirmation, Youth Group, and Kids’ Church) resume this week, with a full schedule of offerings on January 9.

Annual Meeting | January 20

It’s almost time again for our Annual Meeting! Please plan on attending the meeting between services on January 20 as we make decisions and vote on the budget for the next fiscal year. Committee Chairs and Team Leaders, please submit your reports to Meisha by Wednesday, January 9. Thank you!

Please pick up your kitchenware

A collection of bowls, pans, and utensils that have been left behind are on display in the Fellowship Hall until Wednesday, January 9. Please pick up your items before they find a new home!


On behalf of the staff at St. Paul Lutheran and myself, I would like to thank you all for your very generous Christmas gifts to us this year. We are truly grateful for your kindness and thoughtfulness, which was reflected in these gifts and also in your  support throughout the year. It is indeed an honor to serve God with you!

Lombard Conflict Transformation Skills for Churches Workshop | January 12

On Saturday, January 12, the First Presbyterian Church is hosting a workshop on conflict transformation featuring material from the Lombard Peace Center. The event is from 9:00 AM to 4:30, PM with lunch included. Cost of the event is $25. Please contact Pastor Joel for details.

St. Paul Adult Choir Rehearsal | Begins again January 23 @ 7:10pm

Join us each Wednesday night as we rehearse choral pieces to share with the congregation on Sunday mornings.   All are welcome!