Christmas Eve Services | Monday, Dec. 24th – 5:00 and 7:30pm
Christmas eve services will be held at 5:00 and 7:30pm this year. Please sign up to be a worship server if you can.
Bible Study | Between Services Sunday
Please join Twila Seibert in the chapel following the 8:00 service for her on-going study of the letters 1st and 2nd Timothy. Paul’s advice to a younger follower provides offers us encouragement and hope for our own journey.
Children and Youth Ministry on Christmas Break
Our ministries for Children and Youth, (i.e. God Squad, Confirmation, Youth Group, and Kids’ Church) will be on hiatus until the week of January 6. All Wednesday evening activities will resume January 9.
Devotions and Madison Square and Westbridge | Sunday, December 30th
Please join us on Sunday, December 30 at 2:30 at Westbridge Care and Rehab, and/or 3:15 at Madison Square for song and devotions with the residents. It’s fun, and a wonderful opportunity to meet some great folks!
Matura Food Drive | December 30
As the temperatures drop, the needs go up! Thank you in advance for your contribution of food items for our drive for Matura on December 30. Our monthly delivery to the food bank makes a big difference!
Annual Meeting | Sunday, January 20th
It’s almost time again for our Annual Meeting! Please plan on attending the meeting between services on January 20 as we make decisions and vote on the budget for the next fiscal year. Also, Committee Chairs and Team Leaders, we will be requesting reports soon. Thank you!
Apprentice Series, Part 3 | begins Sunday, January 13th
You are enthusiastically invited to participate in the next segment of the Apprentice Small Group Series, entitled The Good and Beautiful Community, starting January 13 from 6:00 to 7:00 PM. Come and explore how we follow Jesus more closely in community!
Please pick up your kitchenware
A collection of bowls, pans, and utensils that have been left behind are on display in the Fellowship Hall until Wednesday, January 9. Please pick up your items before they find a new home!