Hello all!
I can’t believe we are already to Christmas season! This fall just flew by for me!
REMINDER: Christmas program dress rehearsal is this Saturday morning (9-11 older kids. 9-10 younger kids)…I’ll have snacks ready. If you plan to donate cookies, mini muffins, donuts, cinnamon rolls or fruit for Saturday and Sunday morning please bring them to the church by Saturday morning and label them. That way, I know if I need to shop before the Sunday morning festivities. On Sunday morning the kids will perform at both services. It’s a long morning, so I’ll have the food, fun and crafts to keep them happy in between services. Beth and Alan have done an amazing job with these kids as usual, they deserve mega KUDOS for their patience, love, energy and time!!! This Christmas program wouldn’t happen without them and we are so grateful!
Our God Squad Christmas party (all St. Paul kids are invited and encouraged to come) is this Wednesday from 5:15-6:30. We will have dinner first and then watch a movie in the sanctuary. It’s a PAJAMA PARTY! Each kid will go home with a fun ornament and goody bag so if your child is attending the party, but doesn’t regularly attend God Squad please let me know if possible so I can make sure to make them an ornament and bag. I always have extra just in case, but if you have time, let me know!
I have so enjoyed the kids this fall and I’m sure I’ll be dying to get them back after Christmas, but I wish you all a very relaxing rest of December. A break from activities is always nice for parents, I know this!
See you Sunday!!