Come worship with us at 9:30. Join us in person or or watch our livestream Sunday morning on our YouTube channel , or view the service on the YouTube channel on Monday. Pastor Kathleen Wohlers will be preaching on John 20:19-31 Here is a devotion from God Pause: Where do you find joy? The psalmist must have been facing a difficult time. Talking about taking refuge would not normally be seen as a time of great joy. Yet, the mood changes and the writer states that not only is the LORD in the cup, but also the cup itself. How often do we get stuck in a downward spiral of life and need to find refuge? We develop a sincere case of myopia and can barely find our navels. The psalm gives us a model for finding hope and joy. If we keep the LORD always before us, without losing the bigger picture, we will find our hearts gladdened, souls rejoicing, and be able to sleep peacefully. If only that were true. Martin Luther reminds us that the gift of the Spirit will give us the ability to overcome our natural tendency to turn inward. The Spirit helps us remember that in God’s presence is the fullness of joy. Upcoming Worship Helpers April 16, 9:30 am Greeters/ Ushers: Fred Young and Dave Kauzlarich Reader: Cheryl Young Sound/ Screen/ Streaming: Cheryl Young Videographer: Lisa Vossekuil Musician: Clarice Blanchard Counters: Lisa Vossekuil and Jen Acton Communion Bread: Kim Patience Communion Server: Kim Patience Acolytes: Ellie Michelson and Blake Acton Sunday Bible Study: Bible Study will meet at 10:45 a.m. following morning worship in the front most classroom near the church office. During the class, we invite questions, comments, and connections, as we expand upon the readings from the worship service. Larger Bulletins & Kids Bags: The ushers will have large print bulletins available. St. Paul has kids’ bags to engage your child during church. They are hanging on hooks by the entry doors or see the ushers. |

Member Photo Directory. St. Paul’s family photo directory is now posted on our website, stpaullutheranchurch.net. Find it under the About tab and enjoy! We will be able to add photos as they become available. If you are new to St. Paul or missed including your photo, please contact Cheryl Young or the church office.
VBS. Vacation Bible School will be held July 10-13 for children entering grades 1-6 in the 2023-2024 school year. This year’s theme is Uncovering the truth of who God is and who we are. Hours are 9:00 to 2:00; snacks and lunch will be provided. Please register online on our website or download the registration form. Children from the community are welcome! Helpers with the children and in the kitchen are needed. Please contact Amanda Turnquist, coordinator, anturnquist_316@hotmail.com or 319-491-4052.
Offering Envelopes. Finally our 2023 offering envelopes have arrived. Find them in your mailbox or on the usher table or ask Lisa Vossekuil for a box or let the ushers know you are desiring a box. Note that you may also use online giving for your offering. Contact Lisa with any questions: finances@stpaullutheranchurch.net. Use this link to set up your account: https://www.stpaullutheranchurch.net/e-giving/
Easter Lilies. If you ordered a lily and have not yet picked it up, the lilies are at the church and you are free to pick them up.
Call Committee Activity. The Call Committee met three times in March, twice as a full committee and once to plan and prepare for the World Café event. The congregation was invited to participate in a World Café to provide input on the strengths of our church, where change is desired, and how our gifts will help accomplish our mission. Thank you to everyone who participated to make this a great event! In April we will analyze the World Café insights and use them to finish drafting the Ministry Site Profile. This will be the last step in the process before we begin receiving potential pastoral applications. The input of the congregation is always welcome.
Call to Prayer. We continue to emphasize the importance of the role of prayer in this Spiritual Journey of transition. Please pray for the Call Committee, the Church Council, Interim Pastor, Kathleen Wohlers, and our new Pastor. You can join us daily by praying this prayer:
Almighty God, giver of all good gifts, you have given us grace to make our common prayer to you. Direct us Lord God, in this time of transition as we join in one prayer together. Grant to us in this time of searching, courage, patience, and vision and use us, we pray, as you will, but always to your glory and the welfare of your people. Guide our decisions as we do the work of calling a pastor. May we receive a faithful servant who will care for your people and equip us for our ministries. Through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Nominate a Pastor. The Call Committee is seeking names of potential candidates from the congregation. If you know of someone who may be a good fit for St. Paul, please give that information to one of the Call Committee members. We will submit those names to the office of the bishop for consideration. Thank you to those who have already submitted nominations!
Upcoming Special Services.
- Affirmation of Faith (Confirmation) and New Member Sunday, April 16
- Last Service and Thank You Luncheon for Pastor Kathleen, April 23
- Senior Recognition Sunday, May 7

God Squad and Confirmation. God Squad and Confirmation have concluded this program year. We have many to thank for their dedication to our children and youth: Teachers PK-2 grades RoxAnn Rhoads & Liz Hansen, 3-5th grades Darlene Loiler, Walt Libby, Kara Ellingrod, Kristi Hoefing, Halle Hoefing; 6th graders Tom Acton, Sydney Carson-Cook; 7-8 Confirmation class Pastor Kathleen, Wendy Burkett, Ted Leonard. Activities: Jacque Mohs leader, Nicole Darling, Avary Darling, Beth Sunds, Kristi Hoefing, Halle Hoefing, Bailey Acton, Brynn Acton, Tim Mohs.
Kitchen: Kim Patience leader, and the regular crew: Barb Kellogg, Bonnie Fenimore, Liz Hansen, Cheryl Bales.
Adult Faith Fellowship presents: The Prayer Course An eight week journey Through the Lord’s Prayer. Prayercourse.org This program will start on Sunday, March 5th 2023 from 5:00 to 6:30 P.M. During this season of transition at St Paul, Strengthening our ability to pray as individuals And joining our hearts together in prayer as a congregation Will be important now and also in the days ahead. Classes will start in the sanctuary with a video, followed by discussion and snacks in the Fellowship Hall. Class dates are: April 16, 23, 30. All are welcome!
Wednesday God Squad and Confirmation. Both God Squad (4 years-6th graders) and Confirmation (7-8th graders) meet Wednesday evenings for a free meal, followed by the program and activity from 6:00-7:00pm. We thank and are very grateful for our volunteer teachers and youth helpers. The last Wednesday for classes will be April 12. Confirmation Sunday will be April 16.
Lutheran Study Bibles. There are extra Lutheran Study Bibles for sale at $36.00 each if anyone is interested in purchasing one.
Youth Committee: The newly formed Luther League, Grades 5th through 12th, will have opportunities to grow together as a group, have some fun, and share memories made together. Suggestions and questions may be addressed to Clarice Blanchard and Ted Leonard. Please watch for future youth events.

Matura Food Pantry: Our offering to the Matura Food Pantry is blessed the first Sunday of each month. Help us fill the shopping cart will non-perishable food, diapers, and even pet food. Checks made out to Matura Madison County or cash are also accepted. St. Paul’s Trust Fund: The Trust Fund committee, elected by the congregation, supports mission projects ranging from national and international disaster relief, congregants’ mission trips, and camping scholarships for youth and children. Please contact Chair Dick Anderson with any questions or suggestions for mission support at REAND0508@aol.com Furniture Ministry: St. Paul collects and gives home goods, furniture, and appliances to those in need. Contact Lisa Vossekuil (920-979-0304 or levossekuil@gmail.com) about any donations. Monetary gifts are also appreciated for our storage units. The Furniture Ministry needs able bodies to help with picking up and delivering furniture on a Saturday morning (usually 9;00 – 10:00 a.m.). Willing workers should contact Lisa (levossekuil@gmail.com) or Jim N.(jnelson91@q.com) to let them know availability. Pool of Siloam: Pool of Siloam is St. Paul’s local benevolence program that provides monetary support for those in need of such things as gas money or car repair, rent or mortgage assistance, and utility bills. In partnership with local agencies (CRISP, Matura, and Crisis Intervention), we annually serve over 100 individuals, including children. All giving to the Pool of Siloam is matched by an anonymous donor. Offerings to this program can be indicated on your giving envelope or online giving form. LifeServe Blood Drive: St. Paul hosts the community LifeServe Blood Drive every fourth Tuesday of the month. We are known for our home-baked goods and appreciate your donations of cookies and bars. Please bring them to the church by noon the day of the drive. April 25, 2023 is the next scheduled blood drive. Call for Cookies. Cookies are always needed for Sunday morning services and the monthly blood drive. They can be store bought or home-made. |

Thank you Grounds Crew. Thank you to Grounds Crew who cleaned up our property on Saturday, April 8, in time for Easter worship. 35th Annual Women’s Convention and Gathering Southeastern Iowa Women of the ELCA. Convention and Gathering will be held on June 9 and 10th, 2023 at Stoney Creek Hotel Des Moines – Johnston. Make your reservations by calling (515) 334-9000. Group code for reservation is 2306LUTHERAN. Rate is $130 per night. Final date to make reservations under the block rate is Tuesday, May 9, 2023. Registration deadline is Friday, May 19, 2023. Registration fees are $80 for 2 days or $65 for 1 day. There is a printable version on the website at 2023SWORegistration.jpg (seiasynod.org) Synod Revival. A one-day event presented by the Southeaster Iowa Synod, ELCA designed to nourish and connect people to each other and to reimagine our relationships in and with the church. This event is free of charge and intended to be a joyful fun gathering for all ages full of inspiration, worship, and prayer. Bring your friends, neighbors, family, or anyone and watch what God does! Saturday, may 20th. Grand View University, Des Moines 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM. Learn more at synodrevival.org St. Paul Choir. The choir has begun its new season with rehearsals at 7:10pm Wednesday evenings. We are always looking for new members, and all singers are welcome. We hope to see you there! Prayer Chain: St. Paul has a group dedicated to the power of prayer. If you have a prayer request for the Prayer Chain, please share it with Twila Seibert (515-462-1505) or Ann Bartelt (annbartelt0204@gmail.com) or the church office. Member Information Update. Are you a new member or need to update your information? Please take a few minutes to complete the online form or pick up a paper copy at the usher table and turn it in to the office. Free Sunshine! If you would like to help mow the church lawn this season, and get your dose of Vitamin D, please use Sign Up Genius to sign up at https://www.signupgenius.com/ Thank you! Got Time? Got Talent? We Want You! We have a variety of opportunities available where you can showcase an existing talent or pursue an interest you have. Do you have finance or organizational skills, like to show your concern for others, can teach others, or know your way around building maintenance? All of these skills can be put to use on various St. Paul committees that need our time and talent. So, if you want to give back to our church, give Jacque a call at 515-468-1899, and she’ll help find a way you can make a difference! Upcoming Worship Helpers April 23, 9:30 am Greeters/ Ushers: Needed Reader: Amanda Turnquist Sound/ Screen/ Streaming: Lisa Vossekuil Videographer: Needed Musician: Clarice Blanchard Counters: Lisa Vossekuil and Bonnie Fenimore Communion Bread: Needed Communion Server: Linda Kenyon Acolytes: Peyton Charlet and Logan Moeller Worship Service Helpers/Volunteers Needed! If you are able and willing, we need your help in returning our 9:30 service to “normalcy.” It’s important that all of the positions be filled. Worship team members Debi Martens is available for any “training” you may want. 3 Easy ways to sign up: Use SignUpGenius! It’s easy to access at this link and will even send you a reminder of your commitment. Volunteer Kiosk: We have clipboards on the kiosks in the entryway for you to sign. Call the Church office at 515-462-4270. |
Church office phone: (515) 462-4270
Church office email: Office@stpaullutheranchurch.net
Pastor Kathleen Wohlers: : (608) 387-5015