Friday, August 18 Announcements

Come worship with us at 9:30. Join us in person or or watch our livestream Sunday morning on our YouTube channel , or view the service on the YouTube channel on Sunday, August 20. Pastor Heidi Williams will be preaching on Matthew 15 [10-20] 21-28. Here is a devotion from God Pause:
There is no getting around it. Jesus’ words to the Canaanite woman are a shock, and not what we might expect. She is in desperate need for her tormented daughter. But instead of offering healing and comfort, he turns her away. “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” And when she insists on addressing him as Lord, he insults her by associating her with the dogs. But we are surprised when this woman refuses to let go, trusting that even just the crumbs that fall from the master’s table will be enough. Jesus is clearly moved and acknowledges such great faith and heals her daughter. So it is with faith when it comes into the presence of God’s mercy and grace. Whatever you have—is enough.

Upcoming Worship Helpers August 20, 9:30 am 
Greeters/ Ushers: Fred Young and Dave Kauzlarich (corrected from emailed version)
Reader: Amanda Turnquist
Sound/ Screen/ Streaming:  Lisa Vossekuil
Musician: Clarice Blanchard
Counters: Lisa Vossekuil and Dean Bartelt
Communion Server: John and Kim Patience
Communion Bread:  Kim Patience
Acolytes: Payton Charlet

Welcome Pastor Heidi. Today we welcome Pastor Heidi Williams as our new interim pastor. She will be with us until we call a new pastor. 

 Greetings in the name of Jesus! My name is Heidi Williams. I am Iowa born and raised, both in central and southeast Iowa. I graduated from Drake University in 1977 and from the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago in 1984. Over the last 39 years, I’ve served parishes under call in Philadelphia, PA (12 years) and Slater, Iowa (14 years). Somewhere among those same years, I have served 7 parishes in interim positions, and been a roofer and a reporter/photographer for a small town newspaper. 
I am delighted to partner with you in the ministry of the gospel of Jesus Christ, to walk with you in your path in faith and life, and to share the Word in preaching and the precious gift of God’s eternal grace in the sacraments. Let us pray together and individually for one another, for God’s Spirit to guide our life together for the sake of his love being lived out among each of us and all of us. May God bless our work and worship with a joy that “shines out like shook foil” (Gerard Manley Hopkins), i.e. joy that flashes noisily (me).

                                                                        Heidi L. Williams

Semi-Annual Meeting Today. 
Join us after worship TODAY for our semi-annual meeting. We’ll celebrate the paying off of our mortgage and hear the report of the second phase of the capital campaign to eliminate our $70,000 debt. Committee and team reports and the financial report will also be given. 

Sunday Bible Study:  Bible Study will meet at 11:00 a.m. following morning worship in the front most classroom near the church office. During the class, we invite questions, comments, and connections, as we expand upon the readings from the worship service. 

Larger Bulletins & Kids Bags: The ushers will have large print bulletins available.  St. Paul has kids’ bags to engage your child during church.  They are hanging on hooks by the entry doors or see the ushers.

Confirmation is scheduled to begin August 30 with a parent meeting; classes will start September 6. Please use the education registration form available at this link or at the church. Watch for communication from Pastor Heidi with the details.

Family Fun Day.  The Adult Faith Fellowship would love to have your family join us for Family Fun Day.  Wednesday, August 30, 2023 at 5:30 p.m.  Fred & Cheryl Young’s home 1824 Pammel Park Road, Winterset, IA.  Remember to bring your own beverages, a side dish to share and lawn chairs.  Hosts will furnish meat and tableware.

God Squad Registration. God Squad will begin Wednesday, September 13, for 4- year-olds through sixth graders. Please register your children by Friday, September 11 by downloading the form at this link or picking up a form at the church. Sign-up on Signup Genius to help in the kitchen.

God’s Work Our Hands. GWOH is the ELCA day of service across the country, in which we, as one Church, are freed in Christ to serve and love our neighbor. Join the St Paul family in two-hour projects, following worship on September 10 and ending with lunch at the church at 1:00 pm.  We will help those in need, working on gardens and lawns, doing simple home repairs and clean up, assisting our furniture ministry; and children will deliver care cards. Sign up at church by September 1or contact Ann Bartelt at or 515-418-3565.

Church Choir. Our church choir will start on Wednesday, September 13th at 7:10pm

Holiday Hop Preparations. It may seem early, but it’s not! It’s time to begin preparations for our annual Holiday Hop, November 18! Calling all crafters and bakers and helpers. Please contact Liz Hansen (515-462-3987) or RoxAnn Rhoads (515-468-8239) with your materials and ideas and availability. Raised funds support local missions.

Pictorial Directory: Our church directory is close to being printed! Thanks for both your patience and your inclusion in our directory. If all goes well, we should have our printed directories by the end of September. If you are interested in purchasing one, please sign up at church or contact Cheryl Young at 515-770-5806. The cost is dependent upon how many we order, and we anticipate it being between five and ten dollars. You are under no obligation to purchase a copy. In the meantime, we have our pictorial directory on the website and to access names and contact information from our online directory Servant Keeper, see Lisa Vossekuil or contact her at 
Pastoral care.  Please feel free to contact our new Pastor, Heidi Williams, with any pastor cares you need.  Her cell number is 515-450-0490

Call Committee Activity. The Ministry Site Profile is a summary that tells about St Paul Lutheran Church, what’s important to us and how we bear witness to Christ’s love in our community. The Call Committee wrote this narrative about St Paul with the help of each of you who participated in surveys and interviews. The Ministry Site Profile (MSP) was submitted on May 25th and approved by the office of the Bishop on June 2nd.

Here’s a small portion called the “Summary Description” we submitted:

St Paul Lutheran Church is a small but mighty church with a big dream to have a healthy church culture, one that changes lives. We believe our primary calling as a congregation is to love God and love people. This congregation will welcome a pastor who loves the Lord, Jesus Christ, and spends sufficient time alone with God to sustain the work of the ministry, by living out of a cup that overflows; one who is willing to train and partner with us in the work of evangelism; who is willing to walk together with us as we learn a theology of grieving; who is willing to faithfully bear with us as we struggle to yield in the areas where God is at work transforming us.

Now we wait, knowing that God is leading us into a season of waiting and listening and trusting. While you’re waiting and listening and trusting please remember to pray for discernment for your Call Committee and for the Church Council.

Lutheran Study Bibles.  There are extra Lutheran Study Bibles for sale at $36.00 each if anyone is interested in purchasing one.

Youth Committee: The newly formed Luther League, Grades 5th through 12th, will have opportunities to grow together as a group, have some fun, and share memories made together. Suggestions and questions may be addressed to Clarice Blanchard and Ted Leonard. Please watch for future youth events.

Senior Center Volunteers. Volunteers are needed to deliver meals for the Senior Center. It takes approximately 45 minutes and the schedule is flexible.  To assist with this or learn more, please call 515.462.1334.  Thank you.

Matura Food Pantry: Our offering to the Matura Food Pantry is blessed the first Sunday of each month. Help us fill the shopping cart will non-perishable food, diapers, and even pet food. Checks made out to Matura Madison County or cash are also accepted.
St. Paul’s Trust Fund: The Trust Fund committee, elected by the congregation, supports mission projects ranging from national and international disaster relief, congregants’ mission trips, and camping scholarships for youth and children. Please contact Chair, Dick Anderson with any questions or suggestions for mission support at Please note that this is Dick’s new email.

Furniture Ministry: St. Paul collects and gives home goods, furniture, and appliances to those in need. Contact Lisa Vossekuil (920-979-0304 or about any donations. Monetary gifts are also appreciated for our storage units.  The Furniture Ministry needs able bodies to help with picking up and delivering furniture on a Saturday morning (usually 9;00 – 10:00 a.m.).  Willing workers should contact Lisa ( or Jim Nelson. ( to let them know availability. Please note that this is Jim’s new email.  

Pool of Siloam: Pool of Siloam is St. Paul’s local benevolence program that provides monetary support for those in need of such things as gas money or car repair, rent or mortgage assistance, and utility bills. In partnership with local agencies (CRISP, Matura, and Crisis Intervention), we annually serve over 100 individuals, including children. All giving to the Pool of Siloam is matched by an anonymous donor. Offerings to this program can be indicated on your giving envelope or online giving form. 

LifeServe Blood Drive: St. Paul hosts the community LifeServe Blood Drive every fourth Tuesday of the month. We are known for our home-baked goods and appreciate your donations of cookies and bars. Please bring them to the church by noon the day of the drive August 29, 2023 is the next scheduled blood drive.

Call for Cookies.  Cookies are always needed for Sunday morning services and the monthly blood drive.  They can be store bought or home-made and can be dropped off at anytime.  Jim asks that the cookies for the monthly blood drive be home-made.
Church Directory Sign Up. Remember when you filled out an information sheet for our membership directory? Now you can have access to our online directory, Servant Keeper, that provides contact information of our members. Servant Keeper is a valuable tool for connecting with each other and is secure to our constituents. It is password protected for each individual and for access to the complete directory. The information of families and individuals is only what you provide and allow to be seen. We will be available to sign you up for an account.  Email Lisa Vossekuil if you would like an account at

Mailboxes.  Members who previously did not have a mailbox, there is now one with your name on it! The names are not in exact alphabetical order, but your box should be in close vicinity to where your name would fall. Please see Lisa Vossekuil or Cheryl Young if you cannot find yours or if we inadvertently missed you. (The mailboxes will be totally redone after we have the Servant Keeper sign-ups)

Member Photo Directory. St. Paul’s family photo directory is posted on our website, Find it under the About tab and enjoy! We will be able to add photos as they become available. If you are new to St. Paul or missed including your photo, please contact Cheryl Young or the church office. 

Prayer Chain: St. Paul has a group dedicated to the power of prayer. If you have a prayer request for the Prayer Chain, please share it with Twila Seibert (515-462-1505) or Ann Bartelt ( or the church office.  

Member Information Update. Are you a new member or need to update your information?  Please take a few minutes to complete the online form or pick up a paper copy at the usher table and turn it in to the office.

Free Sunshine! If you would like to help mow the church lawn this season, and get your dose of Vitamin D, please use Sign Up Genius to sign up at Thank you!

Got Time? Got Talent? We Want You! We have a variety of opportunities available where you can showcase an existing talent or pursue an interest you have.  Do you have finance or organizational skills, like to show your concern for others, can teach others, or know your way around building maintenance?  All of these skills can be put to use on various St. Paul committees that need our time and talent. So, if you want to give back to our church, please contact the office and we’ll help find a way you can make a difference!   

Upcoming Worship Helpers August 27, 9:30 am (date corrected from emailed announcements)
Greeters/ Ushers: David Kauzlarich and Needed
Reader: Lisa Vossekuil
Sound/ Screen/ Streaming:  Needed (change from emailed version)
Musician: Pastor Heidi
Counters: Lisa Vossekuil and Kim Patience
Communion Server: Mark and Linda Kenyon
Communion Bread:  Needed
Acolytes: Blake Acton

Worship Service Helpers/Volunteers Needed!  If you are able and
willing, we need your help in returning our 9:30 service to “normalcy.”  It’s important that all of the positions be filled. Worship team members Debi Martens is available for any “training” you may want.
3 Easy ways to sign up:
Use SignUpGenius! It’s easy to access at this link and will even send you a reminder of your commitment. 
Volunteer Kiosk: We have clipboards on the kiosks in the entryway for you to sign.
Call the Church office at 515-462-4270.


Church office phone: (515) 462-4270
Church office email:
Pastor Heidi Williams: (515) 450-0490