Friday, December 31st Announcements

 Sunday, January 2– Epiphany of Our Lord
Come worship with us at 9:30. Join us in person, or watch our livestream Sunday morning on our YouTube channel, or view the service on the YouTube channel on Monday.  Supply pastor Rev. Sally Wilke will be delivering the message based upon Matthew 2:1-12. For your devotions from God Pause:  John 1:(1-9), 10-18
Worship Helpers. Greeters/Ushers: Chuck and Bonnie Fenimore; Reader: Ann Bartelt; Sound, Screen, & Streaming: Jacque Mohs; Videographer: Abby & Eric Hoefing; Musician: Georgine Bellamy; Singer: Needed; Counters: Kim Patience and Lisa Vossekuil; Communion Bread: Jacque Mohs; Communion Servers: Marilyn Mount and Ann Bartelt.
Sunday Bible Study: Bible Study meets at 10:45 a.m. following morning worship in the front most classroom near the church office. During the class, we invite questions, comments, and connections, as we expand upon the readings from the worship service.  Class will be held with a substitute leader.
COVID Reminder: Masks are encouraged for all services and ministries at St. Paul. Please come, worship, and be fed! If you want to wear a mask to keep some distance between yourself and others at any service or ministry, for any reason, please do so with St. Paul’s full blessing.


Women’s Bible Study:   Women’s Bible Study will begin in January at Cobblestone Inn & Suites.  We will meet at 9:00 am on the first and third Tuesday mornings.  We will be studying Psalm 23 The Shepard with me by Jennifer Rothschild published by Lefeway.  You can order the study book online or the Christian book store Choices in Wes Des Moines can order for you.  For more information, please contact Sheila Sheila Stewart at
Adult Faith Formation Sunday Evening New Series Begins January 16. Have you started thinking about New Year’s Resolutions for 2022?  If you’re interested in growing spiritually through Bible and book study and fellowship with your church family, consider attending the next series of Adult Faith Formation sessions. Snacks begin at 5:30 followed by an hour of study and conversation. This is a great way to get to know your church family better. The Gifts of Imperfection, a book by Brene Brown, will be the topic of a five-week study beginning January 16 and ending February 13. 
Christmas break is the perfect time to begin a book, especially one that encourages us to wholehearted living. We have a limited number of books available for purchase ($11). See Brenda Hollingworth or Ann Bartelt or stop in the office to pick one up.
New Membership Class Jan. 30 & Feb. 6: St. Paul will be offering a membership class consisting of two 45 minute sessions, led by Pastor Ioan. The first session will be on Sunday, January 30,, directly after church, and the second will be the next Sunday, February 6, also directly following worship.  Contact Pastor Ioan with your questions and to express your interest.
A commitment of membership is for those who wish to make a public promise of helping move God’s ministry forward at St. Paul through the giving of time, talent, or treasure.  Our two-session membership class will include

Matura Food Pantry. Our offering to the Matura Food Pantry is blessed the first Sunday of each month. Help us fill the shopping cart will non-perishable food, diapers, and even pet food. Checks made out to Matura Madison County or cash are also accepted.
Lion’s Bags to Benches. Winterset Lions are collecting and recycling plastic bags to earn benches to donate to the community. The goal is to collect in a six-month period 500 pounds of plastic film and bags. With that, the Lions will receive one bench to donate to the community Look for recycle bins at Ben Franklin Covered Bridge Realty, the Methodist Church, Sports Page, with more to come.

Cards of Thanks. Thank you for all the Christmas blessings you all have given us.  We are especially grateful for the thoughtfulness to the kids with us.  Your kindness, as always, goes above and beyond.  – Deb & Pastor Ioan
            Thank you to the entire congregation for my Christmas gift. I am humbled to serve you and will donate the money to the furniture ministry. – Lisa Vossekuil
            Thank you to the entire congregation for your thoughtfulness of me during this Christmas season.  I am extremely grateful for you generosity of the Christmas gift and very appreciative of it- Traci Davis
Giving Envelopes. The 2022 giving envelopes are now available in your church mailbox. Should you desire a set, please contact the church office. Alternatively, you may give online by signing up on our church website.
Pastor Ioan will be out of the office December 26-January 12. For pastoral emergencies through January 12, call the office or Pastors Kevin & Sue Blader (First Christian Church of Winterset) at 515-468-1941.  Thank you to Rev. Sally Wilke and Rev. Tony Nester who will be leading worship while Pastor Ioan is away.
Upcoming Worship Helpers Sunday, January 9, 9:30 am.  Greeters/Ushers: needed; Reader: needed; Sound, Screen, & Streaming: Jacque Mohs; Videographer: needed; Musician: Needed; Singer: Needed; Counters: Jen Acton and Lisa Vossekuil; Communion Bread: Jacque Mohs; Communion Servers: needed.
Choir: Please join St. Paul Choir rehearsals Wednesdays evenings at 7:10 pm. We sing about twice a month. We are excited to see current members and enthusiastically welcome any new members as we sing praises to the Lord!
Worship Service Helpers/Volunteers Needed!  If you are able and willing, we need your help in returning our 9:30 service to “normalcy.”  It’s important that all of the positions be filled. Worship team members Debi Martens and Pat Nelson are available for any “training” you may want.
3 Easy ways to sign up:
1. Use SignUpGenius! It’s easy to access at this link and will even send you a reminder of your commitment. 
2. Volunteer Kiosk: We have clipboards on the kiosks in the entryway for you to sign.
3. Call the Church office at 515-462-4270.
Ongoing Transportation Ministry: St. Paul’s  transportation ministry helps families who have are in need of transportation to appointments. Our current recipients are Ronnie and Shirley Addy who need transportation to Ronnie’s kidney dialysis three days a week in south Des Moines at Fresenius Kidney Care, 6651 SW 9th Street.  His appointments begin at 10:30 a.m. and end at approximately 2:30 p.m. He needs to be picked up no later than 9:40 at North Ward, 415 N. 2nd Street, Winterset, at the south door of the east building. Ronnie is unable to get into a high vehicle. Please contact Shirley with any questions 515-468-0121. Ronnie’s cell is 515-468-1982. Please use SignUpGenius to indicate when you are willing to drive Ronnie. Note you may sign up to take him, return him, or do both. Please include your cell phone number in the comments. This is a long-term ministry, so check back often as SignUpGenius is updated.


Church office phone:  515-462-4270
Church office email:
Pastor Ioan Ittu email:
Pastoral Emergencies: 515-419-5224