Friday, February 10 Announcements

Come worship with us at 9:30Join us in person or or watch our livestream Sunday morning on our YouTube channel , or view the service on the YouTube channel on Monday. Pastor Tony Nester will be preaching on1 Corinthians 3:1-9.  Here is a devotion from God Pause:   How do we imagine the fear of the Lord? Are you afraid of God? I’m not. I am amazed by the great work God has done. I am dumbfounded by what God did for us in Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. I am grateful for the salvation God has provided for me. I am embarrassed by my need for salvation and the ways in which I sin. I cling to the promises God has made to me and cling to their truth in my darkest hours. Now all that has been about me. But this is true for you as well. God has given these gifts to each of his children. We are called to remind one another of the precious gifts God has chosen to give to all God’s beloved children.

Upcoming Worship Helpers February 12, 9:30 am
Greeters/ Ushers: Chuck & Bonnie Fenimore
Reader: Amanda Turnquist
Sound/ Screen/ Streaming: Wayne Martens
Videographer: Needed
Musician: Georgine Bellamy
Counters: Lisa Vossekuil and Wayne Martens
Communion Bread: Genelle Thompson
Communion Server: Marilyn Mount and Barb Kellogg

Sunday Bible Study:  
Bible Study will meet at 10:45 a.m. following morning worship in the front most classroom near the church office. During the class, we invite questions, comments, and connections, as we expand upon the readings from the worship service. 

Larger Bulletins & Kids Bags: 
The ushers will have large print bulletins available.  St. Paul has kids’ bags to engage your child during church.  They are hanging on hooks by the entry doors or see the ushers.

Souper Bowl of Caring. Keeping with a St. Paul tradition on Super Bowl Sunday, we will take a special offering for ELCA World Hunger. From health clinics to microloans, food pantries to soup kitchens, advocacy to community organizing, across 63 countries, including the United States, our gifts support meaningful solutions that get at the root causes of hunger. Checks may be written to ELCA World Hunger and will be collected during worship. 

Call Committee Activity. The Call Committee met Monday, January 30th. We all agree inviting God’s presence through prayer is foundational to our work. We set a schedule for attending online training workshops; made a list of ways we will keep the congregation informed of our progress; and talked about ways to gather information from the congregation to write the Ministry Site Profile.  for additional information please see this 

Church Vitality Survey Results Feb. 16. Pastor Erika Uthe of the SE Iowa Synod will be with us Thursday, Feb. 16, at 6:00pm in the Fellowship Hall to share the  Vitality Survey. About 60 surveys were returned, and we’re eager to hear the results and her interpretations. There will be time for conversation among our St. Paul congregation. All are welcome! 

Adult Faith Fellowship presents:  The Prayer Course An eight week journey Through the Lord’s Prayer. This program will start on Sunday, March 5 th 2023 from 5:00 to 6:30 P.M. During this season of transition at St Paul,  Strengthening our ability to pray as individuals And joining our hearts together in prayer as a congregation  Will be important now and also in the days ahead.  Classes will start in the sanctuary with a video, followed by discussion and snacks in the Fellowship Hall.  Class dates are: March 5, 12, 19, 26 and April 2, 16, 23, 30.  All are welcome! 

The regular annual meeting will be held February 26 following worship At that meeting, Council and Committee elections will be held, constitutional changes will be ratified, and year-end reports will be given. Your attendance is appreciated at these congregational meetings.

Wednesday God Squad and Confirmation. Both God Squad (4 years-6th graders) and Confirmation (7-8th graders) meet Wednesday evenings for a free meal, followed by the program and activity from 6:00-7:00pm.  We thank and are very grateful for our volunteer teachers and youth helpers. The last Wednesday for classes will be April 12. Confirmation Sunday will be April 16. 

Lutheran Study Bibles.  There are extra Lutheran Study Bibles for sale at $36.00 each if anyone is interested in purchasing one.

Youth Committee: The newly formed Luther League, Grades 5th through 12th, will have opportunities to grow together as a group, have some fun, and share memories made together. Suggestions and questions may be addressed to Clarice Blanchard and Ted Leonard. Please watch for future youth events.

SE Iowa Synod Mission Report. The 2022 Mission Spending Annual Report from our Synod is now available. The report is intended to help us see, at a glance, the impact of our congregation’s mission support from 2022.  St. Paul’s Mission Support represents about 4.5% of our total budget.  To see the financial impact of our giving and read stories of our ministry, view the full report at this link or pick up a copy on the ushers’ table.

Matura Food Pantry: Our offering to the Matura Food Pantry is blessed the first Sunday of each month. Help us fill the shopping cart will non-perishable food, diapers, and even pet food. Checks made out to Matura Madison County or cash are also accepted.
St. Paul’s Trust Fund: The Trust Fund committee, elected by the congregation, supports mission projects ranging from national and international disaster relief, congregants’ mission trips, and camping scholarships for youth and children. Please contact Chair Dick Anderson with any questions or suggestions for mission support at

Furniture Ministry: St. Paul collects and gives home goods, furniture, and appliances to those in need. Contact Lisa Vossekuil (920-979-0304 or about any donations. Monetary gifts are also appreciated for our storage units.  The Furniture Ministry needs able bodies to help with picking up and delivering furniture on a Saturday morning (usually 9;00 – 10:00 a.m.).  Willing workers should contact Lisa ( or Jim N.(  to let them know availability.   

Pool of Siloam: Pool of Siloam is St. Paul’s local benevolence program that provides monetary support for those in need of such things as gas money or car repair, rent or mortgage assistance, and utility bills. In partnership with local agencies (CRISP, Matura, and Crisis Intervention), we annually serve over 100 individuals, including children. All giving to the Pool of Siloam is matched by an anonymous donor. Offerings to this program can be indicated on your giving envelope or online giving form. 

LifeServe Blood Drive: St. Paul hosts the community LifeServe Blood Drive every fourth Tuesday of the month. We are known for our home-baked goods and appreciate your donations of cookies and bars. Please bring them to the church by noon the day of the drive. February 28, 2023 is the next scheduled blood drive.

Call for Cookies.  Cookies are always needed for Sunday morning services and the monthly blood drive.  They can be store bought or home-made.

St. Paul Choir. The choir has begun its new season with rehearsals at 7:10pm Wednesday evenings.  We are always looking for new members, and all singers are welcome.  We hope to see you there!

Prayer Chain: St. Paul has a group dedicated to the power of prayer. If you have a prayer request for the Prayer Chain, please share it with Twila Seibert (515-462-1505) or Ann Bartelt ( or the church office.  

Member Information Update. To coincide with our new picture directory, it’s time to update our congregation’s directory with current and accurate information for you and your family. Please take a few minutes to complete the online form or pick up a paper copy at the usher table and turn it in to the office.

Got Time? Got Talent? We Want You! We have a variety of opportunities available where you can showcase an existing talent or pursue an interest you have.  Do you have finance or organizational skills, like to show your concern for others, can teach others, or know your way around building maintenance?  All of these skills can be put to use on various St. Paul committees that need our time and talent. So, if you want to give back to our church, give Jacque a call at 515-468-1899, and she’ll help find a way you can make a difference!   

Upcoming Worship Helpers February 19, 9:30 am 
Greeters/ Ushers: Fred Young and David Kauzlarich
Reader: Cheryl Young
Sound/ Screen/ Streaming: Needed
Videographer: Needed
Musician: Clarice Blanchard
Counters: Lisa Vossekuil and Dean Bartelt
Communion Bread: Connie Tadlock
Communion Server: Needed

Worship Service Helpers/Volunteers Needed! 
 If you are able and willing, we need your help in returning our 9:30 service to “normalcy.”  It’s important that all of the positions be filled. Worship team members Debi Martens and Pat Nelson are available for any “training” you may want.
3 Easy ways to sign up:
Use SignUpGenius! It’s easy to access at this link and will even send you a reminder of your commitment. 
Volunteer Kiosk: We have clipboards on the kiosks in the entryway for you to sign.
Call the Church office at 515-462-4270.


Church office phone:  (515) 462-4270
Church office email:
Pastor Kathleen Wohlers: : (608) 387-5015