Sunday, March 6 Come worship with us at 9:30. Join us in person, or watch our livestream Sunday morning on our YouTube channel, or view the service on the YouTube channel on Monday. Pastor Ioan will be preaching on Psalm 91, and here is a devotion from God Pause: Whenever I enter the season of Lent, I feel a bit of hesitation in my body and spirit. Am I really up for this season of repentance and renewal? Wouldn’t it be easier to just sit it out this year? When I open myself to God’s call in this way, something painful always rises to the surface. Martin Luther was familiar with this pattern and reminds us that the devil is a tricky creature who can’t stand our faithfulness to God. When we seek God and resist the lies of the world, we can expect those lies to fight back. Today’s psalm, with its reminders of God’s faithfulness, is a comfort for me as we enter this season. Take heart, dear one! Neither the lies of the world nor the painful truths you uncover can hurt you when the Lord is your refuge. “Those who love me, I will deliver; I will protect those who know my name.” Worship Helpers. Greeters/Ushers: Marilyn Hansen and Brooke Davis; Reader: Penelope Petsche; Sound, Screen, & Streaming: Lisa Vossekuil; Videographer: Abby Hoefing; Musician: Georgine Bellomy; Singer: Georgine Bellomy; Counters: Needed and Lisa Vossekuil; Communion Bread: Matthew Brakhane; Communion Servers: Jacque and Tim Mohs St. Paul Lutheran Church’s Annual Meeting will be held this Sunday, March 6th 2022, 10:30 a.m. directly following worship. Please click the button below for a PDF of the Annual Meeting Agenda and Reports. CLICK HERE Hard copies of the packet are available on the table in the entryway of the church. Hard copies will also be available the day of the meeting. Sunday Bible Study: Bible Study is cancelled for the Annual Meeting. Larger Bulletins & Kids Bags: The ushers will have large print bulletins available. We will print a few at first, but if desired we can print more. St. Paul has kids’ bags to engage your child during church. They are hanging on hooks by the entry doors or see the ushers. COVID Reminder: Masks are encouraged for all services and ministries at St. Paul. Please come, worship, and be fed! If you want to wear a mask to keep some distance between yourself and others at any service or ministry, for any reason, please do so with St. Paul’s full blessing. |

Wednesday God Squad & Confirmation: Our weekly Wednesday evening children & youth education programs are in session. God Squad (4 yr olds – 6th grade) & Confirmation (7th & 8th Grade) begin at 5:40 with a meal. Classes/Lessons begin at 6:00 PM. Children & youth are welcome to join any time throughout the year. Please sign-up for God Squad through our website home page.
The sponsors are as follows; 02-02-22 Rich & Genelle Thompson, 02-09-22 Barb Kellogg, 02-16-22 Marilyn Mount, 02-23-22 Jim & Pat Nelson. A donation of ground beef is provided by the Sue & Dave Brakhane family. Donations of food or cash for the meal provided to God Squad and Confirmation are a much appreciated gift to our Christian education program. Please contact Rainy Gibbens (rainygibbens@hotmail.com, 515-462-2122 or 515-229-1119 ) if you would like to participate. You may also volunteer on SignUpGenius. We are thankful for all the volunteers, kitchen/food, child care, teachers, and activity leaders.
Wednesday Gift for Parents & Guardians. Come inside to see all the good things happening at God Squad & Confirmation. You are welcome to join us for the meal, activities, & classes/lessons. Be the first Parent or Guardian to introduce yourself to the Coordinator, Rainy Gibbens, & you will receive two tickets to the Iowa Theater & a gift certificate for the concession stand. This is a weekly gift that can be received once, per family, as a blessing for all you do in God’s name for your children. The recipients for 02-02-22 were Tony & Wendy Burkett, parents of Lilly, Confirmation (7th Grade), 02-09-22 was Tom & Jen Acton, parents of Blake, GOD Squad (6th Grade), 02-16-22 NO ONE CAME IN WITH THEIR CHILDREN SO THERE WAS NO RECIPIENT!
Children & Youth Volunteers Needed: In order for our Youth Programs (VBS, GOD Squad & Confirmation) to be a success, our St Paul Lutheran Church Community need volunteers. We are asking for parents/guardians of the children attending Youth Programs to PLEASE HELP. We need teachers, kitchen helpers, greeters, nursery care givers, general helpers in all areas. We want to bring the children AND their parents/guardians back INTO the church. Your participation is two-fold. You are essential for; (1) the spiritual development of our children and their future, (2) regaining a thriving and healthy church community. The St Paul members continue with their financial support, which is greatly appreciated and needed. We also need volunteers to actively participate. Please consider volunteering to make a difference for our children and church. Thank you.
It can not be said often, or loud enough, WE NEED VOLUNTEERS! As a church community, we have to find a solution to bringing BOTH the children and their parents/guardians back INTO the church! The volunteers we have are so committed but we need volunteers (and backup volunteers) with a desire to participate.
Lenten Bible Study. St. Paul will host a Lenten Bible Study “Go Tell the World” on Wednesday evenings as part of the Adult Faith Formation Program. As Christians we are storied by God’s story: the story of salvation in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Over the course of our Lenten journey, through devotion, study, and prayer, we will listen, learn, and practice sharing our own stories of faith so that we can Go Tell the World of the salvation God has given us all.
The series is open to all adults; feel free to drop in to any session. Bring your friends and join our faith formation community. Sessions will be held in the Chapel March 9, 16, 23, 30, and April 6 from 5:45 to 6:30 p.m. Lenten meal and fellowship will follow; Lenten church service will be at 7:00. Questions may be addressed to Ann Bartelt annbartelt0204@gmail.com.
Have you registered for Riverside Lutheran Bible Camp? Please check out their week long Youth Camp, Ranch Camp & Adventure Camp. There may be some spots left. Through the generosity of the St. Paul Trust Fund we are offering a $300 campership per child for St. Paul families attending a week long camp at Riverside. The St. Paul Trust Fund wants our kids to long forward to a joyful Summer. At the end of the registration process when you get to the “Make A Payment” section, you will be asked if you have a discount or coupon code to use. Enter “22SPW” and the $300 will be automatically applied in addition to the deposit families will also need to provide. If the deposit or remaining camp costs would still prevent your child from going to camp, please talk to the camp or Pastor Ioan and we will work something out so finances are the preventing factor.

St. Paul’s Trust Fund supports missions at home, across the U.S. and the world. Recent gifts have been $1000 to Hearts in Motion, a group that fights extreme poverty in the U.S. and Central and South America; $1000 to the Indiana-Kentucky Synod for tornado disaster relief, and $500 for the purchase of a van for a woman who delivers 100 meals to the homeless every week.
Furniture Ministry. St. Paul collects and gives home goods, furniture, and appliances to those in need. Contact Lisa Vossekuil (920-979-0304; levossekuil@gmail.com) about any donations. Monetary gifts are also appreciated for our storage units.
Matura Food Pantry. Our offering to the Matura Food Pantry is blessed the first Sunday of each month. Help us fill the shopping cart will non-perishable food, diapers, and even pet food. Checks made out to Matura Madison County or cash are also accepted.
Pool of Siloam. Pool of Siloam is St. Paul’s local benevolence program that provides monetary support for those in need of such things as gas money or car repair, rent or mortgage assistance, and utility bills. In partnership with local agencies (CRISP, Matura, and Crisis Intervention), we annually serve over 100 individuals, including children. All giving to the Pool of Siloam is matched by an anonymous donor. Offerings to this program can be indicated on your giving envelope or online giving form.
LifeServe Blood Drive. St. Paul hosts the community LifeServe Blood Drive every fourth Tuesday of the month. We are known for our home-baked goods and appreciate your donations of cookies and bars. Please bring them to the church by noon the day of the drive. March 22, 2022 is the next scheduled blood drive.
Blood Drive Results. We had a very good blood drive Tues. Thank you to our callers Gannelle and Liz,also the good canteen help and tear down by Brooklyn Davis, Alexis Davis and Amima Asif and the cookie and bar makers. We were able to draw 49 pints of blood and save 135 lives.
Lion’s Bags to Benches. Winterset Lions are collecting and recycling plastic bags to earn benches to donate to the community. The goal is to collect in a six-month period 500 pounds of plastic film and bags. With that, the Lions will receive one bench to donate to the community Look for recycle bins at Ben Franklin Covered Bridge Realty, the Methodist Church, Sports Page, with more to come.

Join us for Lent Wednesday on March 9th. The service will begin at 7:00 and will be held here at St. Paul, continuing our tradition of having a joint service with the Presbyterians. Good Friday will be at the Presbyterian church. Wednesday evening Lenten services will start at 7:00 PM with a meal served before, starting at 6:30. Got Time? Got Talent? We Want You! We have a variety of opportunities available where you can showcase an existing talent or pursue an interest you have. Do you have finance or organizational skills, like to show your concern for others, can teach others, or know your way around building maintenance? All of these skills can be put to use on various St. Paul committees that need our time and talent. So, if you want to give back to our church, give Jacque a call at 515-468-1899, and she’ll help find a way you can make a difference! Prayer Chain. St. Paul has a group dedicated to the power of prayer, with faith and action following the words of 1 John 5:14, “This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.” If you have a prayer request for the Prayer Chain, please share it with Twila Seibert (515-462-1505) or Jim Nelson (jnelson91@q.com) or the church office. Thank you, Twila, for organizing our calling tree and Jim for giving notice of prayer needs by email. If you feel called to intentionally pray for others, please contact Twila Seibert or Jim Nelson to be added to the praying group. Additional Worship Helpers Needed: March and April are important months. Ash Wednesday, Lenten services and Holy week are in the near future. With the additional services comes the need for additional people to volunteer to help with these services. These services have been added to SignUp Genius. Please visit the website and sign up early so the service you like to help with is still available for you. Upcoming Worship Helpers Sunday, February 20, 9:30 am. Greeters/Ushers: Sydney Cook and Carson Cook; Reader: Debi Martens; Sound, Screen, & Streaming: Wayne Martens; Videographer: Bristol Tadlock; Musician: Clarice Blanchard; Singer: Clarice Blanchard; Counters: Needed and Lisa Vossekuil; Communion Bread: Matthew Brakhane; Communion Servers: Needed Choir: Please join St. Paul Choir rehearsals Wednesdays evenings at 7:10 pm. We sing about twice a month. We are excited to see current members and enthusiastically welcome any new members as we sing praises to the Lord! Worship Service Helpers/Volunteers Needed! If you are able and willing, we need your help in returning our 9:30 service to “normalcy.” It’s important that all of the positions be filled. Worship team members Debi Martens and Pat Nelson are available for any “training” you may want. 3 Easy ways to sign up: 1. Use SignUpGenius! It’s easy to access at this link and will even send you a reminder of your commitment. 2. Volunteer Kiosk: We have clipboards on the kiosks in the entryway for you to sign. 3. Call the Church office at 515-462-4270. Ongoing Transportation Ministry: St. Paul’s transportation ministry helps families who have are in need of transportation to appointments. Our current recipients are Ronnie and Shirley Addy who need transportation to Ronnie’s kidney dialysis three days a week in south Des Moines at Fresenius Kidney Care, 6651 SW 9th Street. His appointments begin at 10:30 a.m. and end at approximately 2:30 p.m. He needs to be picked up no later than 9:40 at North Ward, 415 N. 2nd Street, Winterset, at the south door of the east building. Ronnie is unable to get into a high vehicle. Please contact Shirley with any questions 515-468-0121. Ronnie’s cell is 515-468-1982. Please use SignUpGenius to indicate when you are willing to drive Ronnie. Note you may sign up to take him, return him, or do both. Please include your cell phone number in the comments. This is a long-term ministry, so check back often as SignUpGenius is updated. |
Church office phone: 515-462-4270
Church office email: Office@stpaullutheranchurch.net
Pastor Ioan Ittu email: Pastorioan@stpaullutheranchurch.net
Pastoral Emergencies: 515-419-5224