Come worship with us at 9:30. Join us in person or or watch our livestream Sunday morning on our YouTube channel , or view the service on the YouTube channel on Monday. Pastor Kathleen Wohlers will be preaching on Luke 16:1-13. Here is a devotion from God Pause: There’s a long arc of repeated motifs in scripture, extending from Genesis 1 through Revelation 22: God’s steadfast love, law and gospel, faith, hope, righteousness, just to name a few. One of these great themes—social justice—will carry our reflections throughout this week. Today we hear of Amos the shepherd preaching truth-to-power in the northern kingdom of Israel. The wealthy care nothing for the poor and needy. They desire the Sabbath to be over so that they can sell their grain, rig the scales and short-change their buyers. But the mighty are warned, God will act to exercise justice on behalf of the outcasts. Will the people heed the words of Amos and repent? Will we when we consider the poor, the outcasts, the immigrants among us? How will we offer a faithful response to the needy so that justice will reign in our own time? Pastor Kathleen Wohlers introduction bio. As a second career pastor I have served congregations in Wisconsin and Iowa, retiring from Peace Lutheran Church in West Burlington September 1 of 2021. Growing up on a small farm in Southeastern Minnesota gave me the basis for rural ministry. My ministry began as a Synodically Authorized Minster to place. Meaning I was authorized by the Bishop to serve a very small rural congregation, in Word and Sacrament only in that one congregation. From there I went on to Wartburg Seminary in Dubuque and was ordained to Word and Sacrament ministry June 14, 2008. Before God called me to full time ministry, I was a pre-school teacher and administrator in a Christian setting. My husband Dennis and I met in high school art class, have three children, three grandchildren, and a most delightful great grandson. We currently live in Pleasant Hill with the greatest golden doodle ever! (At least we think so) His name is Mr. Finnegan Heartsong. In my previous call, he would accompany me to care facilities and engage with the residents. Some of the things I enjoy are traveling, walking, reading and listening to audio books. I look forward to our time together, sharing God’s love, being the hands and feet of Christ for the sake of the world. Pastor Kathleen Wohlers Operation Christmas Child. We will have a presentation about St. Paul’s participation in Operation Christmas Child on Sunday, September 18, at the beginning of worship. Dr. Dale Wulf, chair of this project which will benefit children across the world, will provide information about what can be donated in the Christmas boxes, and when they are to be ready for shipping. This is a cooperative project between St. Paul Trust Fund and the congregation. Learn more at Samaritan’s Worship Helpers this Sunday, September 11, 9:30 am Greeters/Ushers: Rich and Genelle Thompson Musician: Georgine Bellamy Reader: Jacque Mohs Counters: Jen Acton/Lisa Vossekuil Sound/Screen/Streaming: Wayne Martens Communion Bread: Genelle Thompson Videographer: Lisa Vossekuil Communion Servers: Don and Ann Bartelt Sunday Bible Study: Bible Study meets at 10:45 a.m. following morning worship in the front most classroom near the church office. During the class, we invite questions, comments, and connections, as we expand upon the readings from the worship service. We will have Bible Study September 18 and will not meet September 25. Larger Bulletins & Kids Bags: The ushers will have large print bulletins available. St. Paul has kids’ bags to engage your child during church. They are hanging on hooks by the entry doors or see the ushers. |
Choir will be starting up on Wednesday, September 21st at 7:10pm. All singers are welcome. We are always looking for new members. We hope to see you there!
Stained Glass Window Project THANK YOU. The stained glass window project fundraising was a huge success! Thank you to all of you who gave to this project. Darko, the company that installed our current stained glass, may be able to start on our sanctuary the middle of September. Please direct any questions to Cheryl Young or Dave Stewart. Your generosity abounds at St. Paul!
CROP Hunger Walk. St. Paul, along with other Winterset churches, will participate in the annual CROP Walk, sponsored by Church World Services, on Sunday, September 25. Registration begins at 2:00 and the walk begins at 3:00. Your donations will help end hunger and combat poverty locally, nationally, and overseas. Checks may be made out to CWS CROP and may be placed in the offering or in the Donation Station in the chapel. Give. Walk. God’s Work – Our Feet!
God’s Work Our Hands Our Feet – Sunday, September 25, 2022. St. Paul will participate in the ELCA God’s Work Our Hands day of service on September 25, 2022. We have identified projects within the community to show our neighborly love. These projects involve general outside cleanup at private residences and on city sidewalks; things like weeding, trimming, raking, power washing, tree cleanup, and simple repairs. T-shirts will be available to pick up this Sunday and Wednesday evening during God Squad to wear September 25.
ALL are welcome! Please let us know TODAY if you are able to participate. You will be assigned to a team based upon your desired level of activity, and a team captain will reach out to you to confirm your activity. The day will start with a special worship service and blessing at 9:30. We will then go out into the community to provide service between 10:30 and 12:30. Lunch will be served from 12:30-1:30. Please address questions to Ann at or 515-418-3565.
Wednesday God Squad and Confirmation. Both God Squad (4 years-6th graders) and Confirmation (7-8th graders) began on September 14, as scheduled. Children and youth are welcome to join at any time. Please register God Squad participants at this link. You may also leave a message with the church 515-462-4270. The free meal for God Squad and Confirmation begins at 5:40, followed by the program and activity from 6:00-7:00 pm. Meal volunteers are needed from 5:00-6:30pm; please use Sign-Up Genius to indicate your help. ALL are welcome!
Adult Faith Formation. Family Fun Day # 3 is now rescheduled for Wednesday, September 21, 5:00-8:00 pm. All are welcome! Mark and Brenda Hollingsworth will host the group at their Cabin on the Hill, 2408 Millstream Avenue. They will provide hotdogs and hamburgers. Please bring a side dish to share, your own beverage, and lawn chairs. Come to enjoy good friends, good food, and games galore in a beautiful Madison County setting.
Youth Committee:The newly formed Luther League, Grades 5th through 12th, will have opportunities to grow together as a group, have some fun, and share memories made together. Suggestions and questions may be addressed to Clarice Blanchard and Ted Leonard. Please watch for future youth events.
Matura Food Pantry: Our offering to the Matura Food Pantry is blessed the first Sunday of each month. Help us fill the shopping cart will non-perishable food, diapers, and even pet food. Checks made out to Matura Madison County or cash are also accepted.
St. Paul’s Trust Fund: The Trust Fund committee, elected by the congregation, supports mission projects ranging from national and international disaster relief, congregants’ mission trips, and camping scholarships for youth and children. Please contact Chair Dick Anderson with any questions or suggestions for mission support at
Furniture Ministry: St. Paul collects and gives home goods, furniture, and appliances to those in need. Contact Lisa Vossekuil (920-979-0304 or about any donations. Monetary gifts are also appreciated for our storage units. The Furniture Ministry needs able bodies to help with picking up and delivering furniture on a Saturday morning (usually 9;00 – 10:00 a.m.). Willing workers should contact Lisa ( or Jim N.( to let them know availability.
Pool of Siloam: Pool of Siloam is St. Paul’s local benevolence program that provides monetary support for those in need of such things as gas money or car repair, rent or mortgage assistance, and utility bills. In partnership with local agencies (CRISP, Matura, and Crisis Intervention), we annually serve over 100 individuals, including children. All giving to the Pool of Siloam is matched by an anonymous donor. Offerings to this program can be indicated on your giving envelope or online giving form.
LifeServe Blood Drive: St. Paul hosts the community LifeServe Blood Drive every fourth Tuesday of the month. We are known for our home-baked goods and appreciate your donations of cookies and bars. Please bring them to the church by noon the day of the drive. September 27, 2022 is the next scheduled blood drive.
Call for Cookies. Our supply of cookies for Sunday mornings and our monthly blood drives needs to be replenished. Due to the event of August 14 and following the advice of law enforcement, we had to destroy what was saved. Thanks to all the cookie bakers who support our outreach.
Ongoing Transportation Ministry: St. Paul’s transportation ministry helps families who have are in need of transportation to appointments. Our current recipients are Ronnie and Shirley Addy who need transportation to Ronnie’s kidney dialysis three days a week in south Des Moines at Fresenius Kidney Care, 6651 SW 9th Street. He needs to be picked up no later than 9:40 a.m. at North Ward, 415 N. 2nd Street, Winterset, at the south door of the east building. Pick-up is at 2:30 p.m. at the Fresenius Kidney Care. Ronnie is unable to get into a high vehicle. Please contact Shirley with any questions 515-468-0121. Ronnie’s cell is 515-468-1982. Please use SignUpGenius to indicate when you are willing to drive Ronnie. Note you may sign up to take him, return him, or do both. Please include your cell phone number in the comments. This is a long-term ministry, so check back often as SignUpGenius is updated. Member Information Update. To coincide with our new picture directory, it’s time to update our congregation’s directory with current and accurate information for you and your family. Please take a few minutes to complete the online form or pick up a paper copy at the usher table and turn it in to the office. Free Sunshine! If you would like to help mow the church lawn this season, and get your dose of Vitamin D, please use Sign Up Genius to sign up at Thank you! Got Time? Got Talent? We Want You! We have a variety of opportunities available where you can showcase an existing talent or pursue an interest you have. Do you have finance or organizational skills, like to show your concern for others, can teach others, or know your way around building maintenance? All of these skills can be put to use on various St. Paul committees that need our time and talent. So, if you want to give back to our church, give Jacque a call at 515-468-1899, and she’ll help find a way you can make a difference! Prayer Chain: St. Paul has a group dedicated to the power of prayer, with faith and action following the words of 1 John 5:14, “This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.” If you have a prayer request for the Prayer Chain, please share it with Twila Seibert (515-462-1505) or Jim Nelson ( or the church office. Thank you, Twila, for organizing our calling tree and Jim for giving notice of prayer needs by email. If you feel called to intentionally pray for others, please contact Twila Seibert or Jim Nelson to be added to the praying group. Upcoming Worship Helpers September 18, 9:30 am Greeters/Ushers: Needed Musician: Clarice Blanchard Reader: Cheryl Young Counters: Bonnie Fenimore/Lisa Vossekuil Sound/Screen/Streaming: Lisa Vossekuil Communion Bread: Liz Hansen Videographer: Needed Communion Servers: Needed Worship Service Helpers/Volunteers Needed! If you are able and willing, we need your help in returning our 9:30 service to “normalcy.” It’s important that all of the positions be filled. Worship team members Debi Martens and Pat Nelson are available for any “training” you may want. 3 Easy ways to sign up: Use SignUpGenius! It’s easy to access at this link and will even send you a reminder of your commitment. Volunteer Kiosk: We have clipboards on the kiosks in the entryway for you to sign. Call the Church office at 515-462-4270. |
Church office phone: 515-462-4270
Church office email:
Pastoral Emergencies (Jacque Mohs): 515-468-1899