Spring is nearing and I think that a lot of our St. Paul kids are ready to get outside! We are working on a few activities for late spring and summer to keep your kids involved during the warmer months when Sunday school and God Squad are not in session.
A Parents’ Night Out will be scheduled soon for late spring. It’s a small fundraiser, but also an opportunity for parents to get out and have a little time to themselves while we (along with our older youth) keep the kids entertained at church!
Children’s ministries is also in the process of organizing an upcoming Sunday that the kids can begin work on the children’s garden as well as some faith-based special interest events this summer (kool-aid and canvas, quilting, gardening and cooking). This is an excellent opportunity for our kids to connect with some of the many talented members of our congregation. Each class will be a one-time event at the church, but it’s a fun thing to add to your summer to-do list and it keeps the kids in the habit of learning at St. Paul! More details and dates to come soon!
This week, our younger Sunday school students studied the Parable of the Fig Tree, Luke 13:1-9 and the meaning of a parable in relation to Jesus’ storytelling. Our older students reviewed Matthew 21:12-17 and how Jesus shows us how to stand up for what is right. We read the events of Jesus’ visit to the temple courtyard, his healing to the weak and blind and performed a “blindfold” exercise to show the students what it feels like to be at a disadvantage.
Last but not least, Nate Mason and our youth did an AWESOME job leading the service. That was fun!

The younger God Squad students made “Feet of Service” and discussed the ways that they can do nice things to be of service to others similar to when Jesus showed both humility and love by washing the feet of his disciples. The older God Squad students also studied “Jesus Washes Feet,” John 13:1-17. Instead of feet, the kids held a hand-washing ceremony!

I’m currently accepting candy donations for our upcoming Easter egg hunt March 27 between services (in place of Sunday school). Also, if you’re willing to volunteer your time, snacks, materials or anything to some of our upcoming events please let me know! The more help we have, the more we can do for our St. Paul kids!