Take down Christmas Decorations | Saturday, January 11th – 9:00am
Please gather to help take down the Christmas decorations Saturday, January 11th at 9:00am. If we have to postpone due to bad weather, we will plan to meet next Saturday, January 18th at 9:00am. Please call Kim Patience at 515-468-0503 to find out if this has been postponed BEFORE you drive out to the church. Be safe out there!
Sign up to prepare a meal for GOD SQUAD & CONFIRMATION
Please click here to volunteer at GOD SQUAD. You can volunteer by making and serving a meal, or just by being a general helper. We are asking that you provide the meal this year to keep costs down. Select which date(s) you would like to volunteer and then click on the button at the bottom of the page – Submit & Sign Up. It will take you to a different screen where you will input your name and information. THANKS FOR THE HELP!
At the direction of the Church Council we are going to have a task force to review our security in the church. This will look at property and confidentiality issues. If you would be willing to be on this task force, please let the office know. If you have any questions, please talk with task force chairperson, Jerry Swanson, 424-210-6194.
God’s Next Chapter…
To date we have received 43 pledge cards. Thank you if you are among those, and a reminder to those of you who have not yet had opportunity to participate that our finance committee and council will soon be working to develop the operating ministry budget for our next fiscal year. If you do not have a pledge card, please know that pledge cards are available on the usher’s table or feel free to call the church office to have one sent to you. Please feel free to leave your completed pledge card in the office mailbox or in the offering plate. Thank you!!
It ’s the Little Things | Trivia Night, Fellowship and fun opportunity!
The Stewardship Committee reminds you to sign up for Trivia Time! We will get together on Sunday, January 26th from 3:00 until 5:00 for fun, fellowship and lots of laughs. We will set up teams of anywhere from 3 to 5 people. Also, if you would like to bring a canned good for donation, please feel free.
The new flower chart has been posted on the kiosk in the hall. You may sign up at any time, please be sure to add your phone number by your name. If you have any questions, please contact Twila Seibert at 462-1505.
Congratulations & thanks …
go to our Call Committee, newly elected by the congregation on Sunday, December 8th, Don Darling, Alan Feirer, Lonna Nielsen, Jerry Swanson, Lisa Vossekuil, Ann Bartelt and Clarice Blanchard. Please be on the lookout for notice of an official installation date likely to occur the second half of January, and we ask that you begin to include this process and the Call Committee in your daily prayers.
Souper Bowl of Caring | Sunday, February 2nd, 2020
Please begin bringing in your groceries to donate for the Souper Bowl of Caring. You may put your groceries in the grocery cart near the usher’s table. MORE info to come!!
A Note about the Holiday Hop
Liz and I would like to thank everyone for all of their help and support at our annual Holiday Hop. No matter if you baked, made items, helped set up or tear down, we could not do this with out all of you wonderful supporters! With your assistance, we generated $3,134.26 and, were able to donate to the Multi Purpose, Meal Site, Street Tails, and give $2,000.00 to the capitol campaign here at St. Paul’s. You are all amazing and very much appreciated!