Announcements for January 19, 2020

Sign up to prepare a meal for GOD SQUAD & CONFIRMATION

Please click here to volunteer at GOD SQUAD.  You can volunteer by making and serving a meal, or just by being a general helper.  We are asking that you provide the meal this year to keep costs down.  Select which date(s) you would like to volunteer and then click on the button at the bottom of the page – Submit & Sign Up.  It will take you to a different screen where you will input your name and information.  THANKS FOR THE HELP!

Blood Drive here at St. Paul  |  Tuesday, January 21  1:00-7:00pm*

*(Note the one-hour later time to walk in and give a unit of blood to save as many as 3 lives!)  Homemade cookies and bars are your reward for your donation!

Bring Love Ministry  |  Homestead Pickers concert  – February 7, 6:30pm

Bring Love Ministry is an organization dedicated to serving the community of foster and adoptive parents who need support, and they will be having a benefit concert (free-will donation) with local artists and featuring the Homestead Pickers from Silver Dollar City on February 7, 2020 at 6:30pm at Winterset Community Church.

It ’s the Little Things  |  Trivia Night, Fellowship and fun opportunity!

The Stewardship Committee reminds you to sign up for Trivia Time! We will get together on Sunday, January 26th from 3:00 until 5:00 for fun, fellowship and lots of laughs. We will set up teams of anywhere from 3 to 5 people. Also, if you would like to bring a canned good for donation, please feel free.


The new flower chart has been posted on the kiosk in the hall.  You may sign up at any time, please be sure to add your phone number by your name.  If you have any questions, please contact Twila Seibert at 462-1505.

Souper Bowl of Caring  |  Sunday, February 2nd, 2020

Please begin bringing in your groceries to donate for the Souper Bowl of Caring.  You may put your groceries in the grocery cart near the usher’s table.   MORE info to come!!

NEW Lock Box available for secure communications

Please note that for those who wish to securely leave an item for the church office may now do so during non-office hours in the locked-box mounted on the wall near the church entrance.  Offering checks, confirmation sermon notes, or other communications for the office manager or pastor may be left securely in this fashion.  Special thanks go to Rich & Genelle Thompson for creating and donating this beautiful piece to assist us.