New Frontiers Congregational Assessment Report | THIS Sunday
On Sunday, May 12, in between services at 9:15 we will welcome Rev. Diane McLanahan and Ms. Carla Cain from the Des Moines Pastoral Counseling Center who will share the findings and interpretation of our New Frontiers Congregational Survey. The assessment will help us set goals for the future. Please come and discover some new insights about St. Paul Lutheran!
Youth Mission Trip Concessions Help
It is GAME ON for our 2020 St. Paul Youth Group Summer Mission Trip! We are kicking off our fundraising campaign by selling concessions for Winterset Little League. We will need 2 Adults and 4-5 Young People (Jr High – High School Age) per shift, starting on Monday, May 13 to Friday, May 17, from 4:45 to 8:15 PM.
To sign up, click HERE or visit our website and click on the VOLUNTEER FOR CONCESSIONS box. Thank you!
RAGBRAI Housing Needed!
The RAGBRAI Winterset housing committee is looking for volunteers to provide various inside or outside space to RAGBRAI riders. Types of spaces needed are motor home parking, space for tents, floor space, bed, and/or bathroom facilities. Riders will arrive into town beginning mid-afternoon Monday, July 22nd. They will leave the following morning and be back on the road by 9 a.m. Tuesday morning. Housing hosts are not required to entertain, transport or feed the riders. Please visit, fill out the housing form and click submit. You will be matched with RAGBRAI riders who fit the space you are providing. Thank you for your consideration!
Acolytes Needed
If you are in grades 4, 5 or 6 and would like to help as an acolyte during church services, talk with Twila about attending a workshop.
Our application for the Health Department requires a list of ingredients that will be used, so please send or drop off your salad recipes to the office or Coleen or Lisa AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Also, if your salad requires seasoning, please consider donating the seasoning. THANKS! Coleen & Lisa
Automatic Giving
Summer is such a busy time for everyone. Take away the worries of remembering your pledge by signing up for automatic giving to the church. It’s very easy to do! Simply access this link.
Faith in the Future UPDATE
We are approaching the second anniversary of Faith in the Future, St Paul’s capital campaign. Be watching your mailbox for a personalized update. We are grateful for your generous response to this appeal.
Bulletin Covers
If you would like to contribute by drawing a picture for the bulletin covers, please see Twila.
CRISP School Supply Drive
Even though school is still in session, the CRISP office is gearing up for the school supplies drive for the 2019-2020 school year.
This year we are requesting cash donations versus actual school supplies. This allows us to buy in bulk, provide more consistency in the backpacks and makes it easier for us due to our pending office relocation. If you are interested in sponsoring a student, it costs an average of $40 per child to provide them with backpack and supplies for the school year. However, donations in any amount are GREATLY appreciated. All donations may be sent to CRISP, 110 W. Washington St. Winterset, IA 50273.
The CRISP office is also looking for additional volunteers to help with the school supply drive and other programs throughout the year. If you are interested, please contact the CRISP office at 515-462-9400.
Many Thanks!
The St. Paul Adult Choir would like to thank Rich Thompson and the thoughtfulness, time and craftsmanship he put in to the new box to hold our choir folders. THANKS RICH!!
Summer Service Schedule
Thank you for your responses to our summer worship survey! The results are in: the congregation overwhelmingly preferred to have one service at 9:00 this summer, starting June 1 through Sept 1. Our two-service schedule will resume on Rally Day, September 8.
Riverside Registration is Now Open!
If you would like to register your child for one of the summer camps offered at Riverside Lutheran Camp, please visit click HERE click on “Registration”, and follow the directions. Be sure to check the box for MEMBER CONGREGATION. When you arrive at the payment screen, use TRANSFER CODE “SPW19” and your amount will decrease by 50% of the camp price. Please contact the church office with questions.