Epistle #52: Friday Update!

1)  Look for the Sunday worship service outline coming to you first thing this Sunday morning in Epistle #53. Pastor Brian will be sharing his message from Romans 5:1-8..

2) “Camp HOPE”, our Vacation Bible School program this summer will take place July 13-17 via online streaming through Lutheran Church of Hope. Registration will be coming to you in a special Saturday letter tomorrow morning! In the meantime, if you have any questions, please email our St. Paul VBS Coordinator Jackie Stack at jr.stack@outlook.com with any questions.

3) “Christ in Our Home” quarterly (July-August-September) devotional booklets are now available in the church office. Since we are not meeting at this time, if you would like to have one put in your church mailbox (or mailed to you), call Dalene in the church office at 515-462-4270, or email her at stpaullutheranchurch@hotmail.com. We also have a small supply of large print devotionals.

4) Re-Entry Task Force Update – The Re-Entry Task Force will be making a recommendation to the Church Council at their next meeting June 18 regarding in-person worship at St. Paul. We continue to monitor trends, statistics, and guidance from the governor’s office, as well as the recommendations from the SE Iowa Synod Bishop’s office. Our paramount consideration is your health and safety. With ever-changing conditions, your patience and understanding are much appreciated. We ask that you add these wise words to your devotions:

  • Bishop Burk tells us, “Faithful decisions reflect a willingness to yield some of our own desires or needs out of love for the neighbor.”
  • Julie Feirer, in her Memorial Day epistle, reminds us there are many ways we “do church.”
  • Jesus’ prayer for his followers: “Protect them in your name, . . . so that they may be one.” John 17:11b.



Church office email: StPaulLutheranChurch@hotmail.com
Pastor Brian Mortenson email: StPaulPastor1941@gmail.com
Pastoral Emergencies: 605-351-0867

Church office phone: 515-462-4270