1) Happy Father’s Day Weekend! Look for the Sunday worship service outline coming to you first thing this Sunday morning in Epistle #58. Pastor Brian will be sharing his message from Romans 6:1b-11.
2) THERE’S STILL TIME TO REGISTER! “Camp HOPE”, our Vacation Bible School program this summer will take place July 13-17 via online streaming through Lutheran Church of Hope. Even though the initial early bird registration date has passed, there is still time to register! Click here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/109195653138 Please email our St. Paul VBS Coordinator Jackie Stack at jr.stack@outlook.com with any questions.
3) Many thanks to Liz Hansen, Pat Wetlaufer, Coleen Johnson, Marti Knapp, Bea Leonard, Genelle Thompson, Ruth Anne Korte and Lorraine Gibbens for making 327 masks for Lutheran World Relief, where they will be distributed to children of God who are in need of enhanced safety and care. The original goal was 150 – what a fantastic response from these wonderful people!
In-person worship will resume Sunday, June 28, at 9:00 am following the re-entry task force recommendation and adoption by St. Paul Council. In their comprehensive report to the Council, the task force stated, “It has been our goal to prioritize the health and safety of our congregants by attending to the recommendations of health officials while also being mindful of our Christian acts as a community of believers: worshiping, praying, and breaking bread. Within our local context and under the limitations imposed by this pandemic, we feel we can have a rich, fulfilling worship experience, together, in one place, with glad and joyful hearts.”
For some of us, worshiping together still does mean “in my home.” We very much respect that this may be the best choice for your health and safety.
- If you are in a high-risk group, please know that we care more about your safety than your being in the church building on Sunday mornings.
- If you are not yet comfortable coming to the building for worship, we know you will continue worshiping as you have been.
- We ask that you stay home if you are feeling sick, have a temperature, or have been exposed to someone who is positive for COVID-19.
- We will continue to offer a means of virtual worship and options are being explored for offering Holy Communion.
What will our worship look like?
- We will have one shortened service, full in devotion, message, and prayer.
- We will have worship music with truly one voice as it is not safe for us all to sing.
- We will monitor entering and exiting the church to maintain six-feet distancing.
- We will space pews to sit a minimum of six feet apart.
- We will have Holy Communion, and it may be different from what we are used to.
- Offering plates will be available at the church entrance.
- Our traditional practice of sharing of the peace is suspended until further notice.
- Families with small children will be seated at round tables to provide children the needed space to be comfortable with their own quiet books and small toys.
Safety Protocols
- Volunteers will be giving directions and providing assistance.
- Masks are highly recommended and encouraged in the church and during worship. Masks will be available should you need one.
- Verbal greetings will be at a minimum six-feet distance.
- We will use the screen in order to not pass germs on hymnals or bulletins.
- The restrooms are closed except for emergencies; sanitizing protocols are posted.
- Please follow posted signage for closed classrooms, the kitchen, and other areas as marked.
- Social hour may occur outside on the lawn with the personal beverage you have brought. Physical distancing is required and wearing masks is highly recommended and encouraged.
- Attendance Notice
In order for us to plan appropriately for resuming in-person worship, please notify the church by calling 515-462-4270 or email stpaullutheranchurch@hotmail.com of your intention to attend church June 28, July 5, and July 12. We will appreciate knowing how many in your family will be attending, the ages of any children, and your preference for sitting in the front, middle, or back of the seating arrangement.Full Report Access
You may access the complete Re-entry Task Force Recommendation to the Church Council by clicking here: http://www.stpaulwinterset.info/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Re-entry-Recommendation-Final-061820.pdf
Church office email: StPaulLutheranChurch@hotmail.com
Pastor Brian Mortenson email: StPaulPastor1941@gmail.com
Pastoral Emergencies: 605-351-0867
Church office phone: 515-462-4270