Another great week with our kiddos! St. Paul took nineteen kids to the Winter Jam Christian Rock concert Friday in Des Moines. It was a packed event, but the kids and adults had an awesome time.
On Sunday, six of our confirmation students attended a district-wide synod event called “Confest” at Windsor Heights Lutheran Church. It was a day of fun, fellowship and learning, and an opportunity for them to meet other Lutheran students in our area. The main topic of the day was the ELCA’s Walk for Water campaign, helping to raise awareness about the need for more accessible water for many families in Africa.
The younger Sunday school students covered “Jesus Goes to Nazareth” Luke 4:14-30 this week, with an emphasis on how God’s way equals love for all people. The older Sunday school kids covered a similar lesson on “How to Treat People,” emphasizing activating faith to handle conflicts. They acted out scenarios in current times by reading the Beatitudes and discussed The Lord’s Prayer and Books of the Bible.
Starting this upcoming Sunday, Beth Miller will once again offer music for our Sunday School students during the first 15 minutes of class. If you want your child to have this valuable experience, please try to be prompt and arrive to the church about five minutes before the regular 9:30 a.m. time so we can get the kids situated. We are lucky to be able to offer this for our children, so we hope you will take advantage of it!
Our God Squad and confirmation students enjoyed a delicious meal provided by the Johnson family this past Wednesday. The younger and older classes began with Jesus’ Ministry in “Jesus Brings Good News” Luke 3:22. RoxAnn’s group made greeting cards for some ailing, elderly members of the congregation and care center. Tom has challenged his class to begin collecting spare change to purchase items for the food pantry on the last day of God Squad.
We are testing out a new curriculum for God Squad and I think it’s a great fit! I witnessed first-hand the kind hearts we already have in attendance this past week. We had a new, shy, four-year-old and the older girls took excellent care of her, helping her with her plate and making her feel welcome. Our goal is to keep growing and getting those God Squad numbers up as attendance has suffered. Please spread the word about this great program!
A spring service project for our God Squad and Sunday school kids is in the works. More details to follow!