An IMPORTANT message from Beth Miller below… Parents, if your kids can make it, it’s very important that they do so as they will practice up front with singing and work on speaking lines!
Hello all! We are making great progress with the Christmas Program. We are short a few practices from last year, so we will be having an extra practice this Sunday during the Sunday School hour. Practice will start at 9:45 and run about half an hour (little kids will practice regular time then have class). Your participation is much appreciated, as speaking lines will also be handed out to the little kids.
As always, please let Beth know if you have any questions!
Now, a message from Courtney: I need a few parent volunteers for the day of the dress rehearsal (next Saturday morning) to help get the kids into their costumes, etc. I’ll also need cookie, mini-muffins or fruit donations for the day of the program on Dec.11 (please bring to church and label by Dec. 10). We have a lot of kiddos and parents around in between programs so it’s nice to have snacks. Please contact me if you’re willing to help! So excited to see the finished program! Beth, Alan and the kids have been working so hard! Thank you to everyone!!