Children’s Ministry Upcoming Events!

We are having a wonderful fall at St. Paul Lutheran!  I wanted to send a few reminders and the Christmas program date:

Our God Squad Halloween party is this Wednesday from 5:20-6:30.  No costumes needed.  We will have games, a photo booth, prizes and other fun activities for the kids.

I have two service opportunities for our K-6th kids that I wanted to run by you.  The first is on Thursday, Nov. 16 at Freedom for Youth. The kids and myself will prepare and take a meal to serve for the students who attend the Thursday night programming.  The other, is with Bring Love Ministry. It’s an organization that arranges the donation of meals, goods and services to local foster and adoptive families.  The organization has a great deal of volunteer activities to offer, and I thought our St. Paul kids would be great at helping Rebecca Bock sort clothing for the kid’s closet. I will have a sign up sheet by next week for these activities.

Last, but not least, we are working on a plan for the Christmas program.  Save the date for Sunday, Dec. 17 at 6:30 p.m.  We will have a short performance, faith-based sing-a-long songs, milk and cookies and hopefully a surprise visit from Santa (Shhh….don’t tell the kids).  The kids can dress in their favorite Christmas Pajamas, and we hope to create a cozy, fun night!   Practice will begin Sunday, November 5 from 9:30-10:15 during the Sunday School hour.  It’s important that the kids make it to as many of the practices as possible, especially the first practice on the 5th so we can organize roles.  We will also send material home so the children can practice at home.  More details will be sent home very soon!