I hope everyone is enjoying summer so far!! I’m writing because VBS will be here before we know it and I’m definitely in need of volunteers (August 7-10)! I have a few junior high kids signed up to help, but we need more youth (high school kids, where are you…I need atleast two).
I also need adults to fill a few time slots throughout the day…this is especially important during the preschool hours (9-noon) and at lunch hour (noon to 1). Please let me know ASAP if you are willing to help with one of these shifts (you can choose one particular day or more if you want). If you’re unable to be there, we also need volunteers to help feed our Riverside counselors (five hungry college kids). What people don’t sign up for, I usually cover, so if you like to cook and want to provide a meal I would LOVE that as this week can be exhausting! Just let me know! If you haven’t signed your kiddo up for VBS yet, you can do that at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/NDDLMHT
We had a huge turnout last year, so sign up ASAP! We take 3yr and 4yr Pre-K all the way up to 6th grade.
Lastly, the playroom will be parental supervision only July-August. Because of the low-child volume and to give our helpers a break, we thought this was a good plan. However, as most know, if I’m in church I end up there with Vivian anyhow so if you see me in there, never hesitate to leave your kiddos with me! Happy to watch them if I’m in there anyhow. We will resume our normal supervised playroom (all ages welcome) in September.
Thanks everyone!!