Hello all! I hope you are having a fabulous summer!
Vacation Bible School is quickly approaching (next week Aug. 7-10) and we still need some help!  For those parents that offered to bring cookies, please bring those the first day of the program. We could also use juice or milk donations (for snack time) if you’re willing to bring those to church please let me know so I can keep that in mind when shopping for the week.
We have a couple housing gaps to fill so if you’re interested in hosting a few kids from Riverside, please let me (Courtney) know ASAP!
Lastly, we need meal volunteers.  I can take care of the Riverside Counselor’s breakfast and snacks, but we also need lunch (for five Riverside helpers and six volunteers) and dinner for the five Riverside counselors each day (M-Thursday). The lunches can be easy, it’s a simple as coming in and dropping the meal off for us to heat up during the lunch hour, you are not required to serve it (unless you want to, of course).
For dinner, it can be as simple as donating pizza or restaurant giftcards to help the host family out with the kids’ meals or taking a covered dish meal by the host family’s house.  Make it as easy as you need it to be, as I’ll take any help I can get!
Parents:  Don’t forget to sign your kids up at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/NDDLMHT
I’m so excited for this week, it is SO much fun!  Thank you all for your commitment to our Children’s Ministry programming!