God’s Work. Our Hands. Our Feet. Sunday, September 26, 2021
Our congregation will soon engage in service work right here in our community. We are one of over 9,100 ELCA congregations participating in the “God’s work. Our hands.” day of service. Across the country, thousands of members will engage in service work to make a positive change in our communities, build and deepen relationships, and share God’s love. Join us as we do God’s work with our hands! You can also show God’s love by participating in the CROP Hunger Walk.
St. Paul’s day of service will be September 26, 2021. Following 9:30 worship, we will go out into the community to provide service between 10:30 and 12:00-12:30. Lunch will be served from 12:00-1:00. If needed, projects will be completed after lunch. You may choose to participate in the CROP Walk, which will follow at 2:00.
We are gathering suggestions for the community projects. These can be for all ages, including family groups. Examples are clearing gardens, cleaning gutters, cleaning roadsides, and thank you notes to our civil servants. God’s Work is wide open! Projects will be announced on or before September 12. Please go to this link to provide suggestions for projects and to indicate your willingness to serve by August 31. https://forms.gle/YL6mFJBNmWYSiguV6
We are also ordering T-shirts for the day, thanks to the St. Paul Trust Fund. They are gold in color and have the logo God’s Work. Our Hands. Please place your size order no later than Tuesday, August 17. Additional t-shirts will be available. Use this link to order t-shirts: https://forms.gle/jcHibgHmLBYkezEw7
Paper copies of both forms may be picked up from the church kiosk. Please return them to Ann Bartelt’s church mailbox and address questions to annbartelt0204@gmail.com or 515-418-3565. We look forward to participating in “God’s Work. Our Hands. Our Feet” day of service!
Church office phone: 515-462-4270
Church office email: Office@stpaullutheranchurch.net
Pastor Ioan Ittu: 515-419-5224
Pastor Ioan email: Pastorioan@stpaullutheranchurch.net