Fall Classes!

Our fall classes are back in session!   During Wednesday night’s God Squad our students discussed the story of Joseph and his coat of many colors–complete with some fashionable coat designs of their own!

Tomorrow, Sunday School resumes!  Because we had such a large celebration last week, the first day will be a regular Sunday School day.  We are saving some of the activities that we had planned for tomorrow for the spring (Dunk the Dads being one of them…sorry, dads).  Tomorrow morning I will have donuts and juice for the kids beginning at 9:15.  Sunday school starts at 9:30 with music and then class.

Parents:  Please save the date for the St. Paul Christmas Program on December 11th.  All God Squad and Sunday School kids are invited to participate in the Christmas Program.  Practices will be held during God Squad later in the fall, more details to follow on this event.  Our November 9th God Squad will be devoted to filling boxes for Operation Christmas Child. Please plan to send a photo of your child to Courtney by October 30th to put inside the boxes with the information sheet.  Our God Squad Halloween Party will be October 26th during God Squad.

I’m so excited to have all of your wonderful kids back in church!  They are such a fun, kind and generous group of kids and I’m so happy to know them!


God Squad Fun!

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